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Bobo 5
Ngl dude i see a lot of effort in your scenes. I like all of them, nice scenes not slow and dull. Really sad to hear that you lose your ssd and data in it.. I feel you. I hope you get back to it again. You are one of those guys who doing good scenes in this community.
Nice to hear that. I may release new scenes, but they will be very rare, because I don't see much profit in wasting this life away)
Too bad, I'm too old for this kind of content making, but I would deffinetely work for this community much more if I was 20 years old or something
Upvote 0
Oh my god, did you realistically lose the data on the SSD? I am so sorry to hear that.
I too was startled by the sound and woke up. :P
I will add the scene later after I see it.
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Looks fantastic, love the customization.
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that sound at video :D rip my ears
I hope people won't think that this is from actual scene. Wrote it in description
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the preview video audio starting at 29 seconds hurt my fucking ears.
But why you rate resource with audio impression of video? I don't care about rating, but you clearly didn't read description
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This reminded me Commodor 64 games starting up.
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