Bambi is 24 (and yes, her name is Bambi) and lives in Florida. Since she was 19, Bambi has been preying on older men to have them pay for her extravagant bimbo lifestyle. In return they get sex and a lot of it because Bambi is great at sex.
There's not much on Bambi's body that's not plastic. Her lips are injected with huge amounts of botox, her thighs and buttocks are enhanced. And her tits. Her tits were paid for by her previous sugar daddy who was 84 and died of a heart attack just after Bambi returned from the surgeon.
Bambi doesn't have much of an intellect but she outweighs that with her seductive, sensual personality. She can't multitask, for example, she can't chew gum and paint her nails at the same time. Bambi doesn't enjoy sex. It's just a means to an end although she's very good at it.
Place the var file in your AddonPackages and run in VAM. In Package Manager, Scan HUB for missing packages! Open one of the two files where Bambi is posed for you to overview and copy her looks from there to use in your own scenes.
Bambi comes with two TittyMagic presets. These are custom designed to make her huge fake tits jiggle as intended. Find them in the Custom folder. You can use the first to create her impressive cleavage when she's wearing the pink dress or use the other preset when she's naked.
Thanks to Everlaster, Paledriver, Watto, Kemenate, Riddler, Acidbubbles, TGC and DJ_clem.