It worked better than expected on most parts, which means the ball actions. On other acts, where the capsule toy or hands are involved it did not really work very well because of the different scaling of my test appearances. If you are lucky or want to make your appearance fit to the scene, you may have better results on that part.
But keep in mind: If you make changes to your appearance within the scene, save it as a (new) appearance file and link it as described, because with every act change the scene loads the linked appearance. Every editing to the character would be lost if you forgot to save it before changing to a different action.
The next thing is: Because the appearance loads anew with every act change, you should save your appearance in the way you want it in the scene. Without a panty for example, otherwise the actions would look a bit ... weird.
Unchecking a clothing item in the persons clothing tab will only work until an act change is made. Therefore it is recommended to save it on the used appearance.
And the clothing options in the settings at the large tablet will not work, of course. They are linked to Allie’s clothes.
Switching genital skin option also breaks with every act change. You have to save the skin you want on the used appearance file.
If you want Allie back: Either load the original scene file or, if for some reason you don’t have it anymore/saved over it (to keep some progress?) I recommend loading her appearance once on the person atom and uncheck the two options in the plugin (see description/screenshot above).
Her appearance is part of the scene. You find it in: Femcore.Allie_-_Fun_with_Balls.5.var\Custom\Atom\Person\Appearance\