This package brings you a set of various toys and dildos, all with pThe main features include:
- Fully working rigidbody physics
- Scale and Spring Strength sliders, just like the built-in dildo
- Additional shape customization - length slider ; and depending on the dildo, more scaling options for various parts of each toy.
- Custom shader with multitudes of parameters, all configurable within the DildoLanguage plugin. You can tweak the colors, gradients, textures, tiled patterns
- Physics-based periodic motion
- Orgasm fluid simulation
- Procedural cumstain generator
- Rich preset system for all customization options, accessible to VAM's triggers
- Master preset system binding it all together, making it possible to morph the toys from one shape and visual preset to another
- CUA dildos stored with poses, including their current rigidbody shape
- Male forces applied to these toys
- DL toys correctly recognized for hand jobs
- Better penetration recognition and behavior overall
- Xray visualization using DL's custom shader
However, the toys and the DildoLangage plugin can be used without BodyLanguage, it's not a required dependency.
All dildos have customizable visual and shape settings settings, and can smoothly morph between the settings.
The plugin includes a powerful Fluids Module.
This includes custom fluids renderer, and procedurally generated cumstains.The Movement module includes Smart Forces options, which automatically bend and guide the dildo through the target orifice, even when approaching from awkward angles.
The Smart forces can be used even when the dildo is not penetrating the orifice. In this case it pulls the tip towards the target.
This feature can be used to greatly simplify setting up new poses.Setup
First, create a CUA atom and load the toys.assetbundle file from this package.Second, add the DildoLanguage.clist plugin to the CUA atom.
Even though the toys can be used as simple decorations without the plugin attached, most of their features will not work correctly. It won't be possible to customize them in any way, scaling and physics behavior won't work as expected. I highly recommend using the plugin even to place the toys somewhere in the scene.
Plugin Options
The plugin's options UI is split into several tabs:- Presets: the master preset system
- Shape: scale, length, custom scaling sliders, bend & twist
- Visuals: texture, microtexture and gradient settings, render mode
- Fluids: orgasm fluid simulation, procedural cumstains
- Movement: periodic physics-based motions, smart forces
- Physics: spring strength (stiffness) slider, advanced physics tweakables
- Xray: x-ray shader options
Sample Scene
The configuration options are too much to document here. So instead, please refer to the Demo Scene included in the package. It will guide you through most, if not all, options available in the plugin. With each new feature added to DildoLanguage, this scene will be updated to showcase it.The sample scene is using only vanilla VAM assets, and requires no additional plugins. A separate scene demonstrating interaction with BodyLanguage will be created as a stand-alone package in the future, once BodyLanguage receives all necessary tweaks to support the additional features.