This is a pack of 12 cyberpunk themed hairstyles to satisfy that futuristic craving for your models.
On top of the 12 hairstyles, there are also 2 buzz styles which are meant to be used together with the other styles, as labeled on the filenames. Performance should be fine for most mid-high end PC's as the settings are, but can be tweaked for preference as always in the physics tab (mostly hair multiplier will have the greatest impact).
Includes 12 Hair Presets to make matching the buzz styles to the actual hairs easy!
Other than that, should be straight forward to use. Includes both Male/Female files as well.
As always, please let me know if there are any issues so I can fix them!
For those interested in the model pictured, you can find Ava here:
*Credit to SolidVault for Misty & Meredith base models used in promo picture (with some personal edits)*