"Clear skies ahead!"
Meet Fareeha Amari: Helix Security Chief, bringer of justice and part-time weather girl.
Another Overwatch inspired look: This time it's jetpack-packing, Egyptian badass Pharah.
Had this look on my list for quite some time, now I've finally got to finish it. Still not totally pleased with some details, but what the hell...
As always, I opted for a more realistic approach while still staying true to the source material.
I hope you enjoy!
Almost everything is included in this package. For her outfit you'll need:
AmineKunai's Black transparent top
Also, this time I've merged all her morphs into one. This means you won't have 100+ duplicate morphs because of this look.
On the downside, it will make it slightly harder to customize her apperance. If you'd like a version without merged morphs, just contact me on VamHub.
AmineKunai for Black transparent top - Outfit
AnythingFashionVR for Jeans shorts - Outfit
NoOC for Sexy Set 02 shoes - Outfit
TenStrip, kemenate, SpaceDog and Qbase for various morphs.
kemenate for makeup decals and body hair
Hunting-Succubus for Eyeball shadows, reflection and wetline.
VamChan for Aerith Hair - braids
Blizzard for Overwatch and loads of waifu material.
You for downloading and (hopefully) enjoying!