With permission - based on GabiRX.stripclub_prive
A reduced poly + no lights version of the Sofa Strip Club
Also includes an alternative larger version
Thanks to GabiRX for giving permission and to Damarmau for uploading the original which can be found here
Context, those that know me know I like my FPS - I've always liked the strip club but it had large hit on performance due to high vertices counts and point lights embedded in the asset and cigerate butts/confetti on the floor
I've reduce the faces and verts by the following
Removed the cigerate butts, confetti and secruity camera
Huge amounts of verts where just in the curtain + a lot in the cushions of the sofa which also had backwards facing faces which have been corrected.
Also the asset is uncompressed for speed of loading
Further to that I also did my own coloured version of the normal room to my taste and added reflection probe for the chrome bars of the door.
And lastly I extend the room as an option to make a large play space for mocaps and pole dances as the current room didn't work well for a lot of mocaps that would clip through the confined sofas
A reduced poly + no lights version of the Sofa Strip Club
Also includes an alternative larger version
Thanks to GabiRX for giving permission and to Damarmau for uploading the original which can be found here

STRIP CLUB PRIVE' by GabiRX - Environments -
4/3/21: I renamed the var and asset to hopefully fix the issues where it wouldn't show up as being downloaded even though it was. Created and originally posted to reddit by GabiRX now uploaded here with his permission. Asset has 10 different...

Context, those that know me know I like my FPS - I've always liked the strip club but it had large hit on performance due to high vertices counts and point lights embedded in the asset and cigerate butts/confetti on the floor
I've reduce the faces and verts by the following
Orignal | Reduced | Alt |
595,558 faces | 41,606 faces | 68,189 faces |
324,856 verts | 66,136 verts | 119,971 verts |
Removed the cigerate butts, confetti and secruity camera
Huge amounts of verts where just in the curtain + a lot in the cushions of the sofa which also had backwards facing faces which have been corrected.
Also the asset is uncompressed for speed of loading
Further to that I also did my own coloured version of the normal room to my taste and added reflection probe for the chrome bars of the door.
And lastly I extend the room as an option to make a large play space for mocaps and pole dances as the current room didn't work well for a lot of mocaps that would clip through the confined sofas