Solved Can I insert multitple assets from the same assetbundle?


I have furniture assets I want to use, but I am reluctant to add a CUA atom for each piece, and have to load each one manually.
Is there a better (faster) way?
Each CUA atom adds one prefab to the scene, so you need a CUA for each furniture item.

Recommendation would be to setup one single CUA and then duplicate that again and again. You can duplicate atoms using AcidBubbles Keybindings plugin. Once duplicated, you can choose another prefab form the dropdown menu, the assetbundle would already be selected.

If you got modular objects that need to be aligned on a grid, I would also recommend my own PowerHandles plugin. That allows you to just hold a hotkey to snap the atom to the grid while moving it (e.g. 10cm snap). The modular SecretRoom environment is a good example where that apporach would make sense.
Each CUA atom adds one prefab to the scene, so you need a CUA for each furniture item.

Recommendation would be to setup one single CUA and then duplicate that again and again. You can duplicate atoms using AcidBubbles Keybindings plugin. Once duplicated, you can choose another prefab form the dropdown menu, the assetbundle would already be selected.

If you got modular objects that need to be aligned on a grid, I would also recommend my own PowerHandles plugin. That allows you to just hold a hotkey to snap the atom to the grid while moving it (e.g. 10cm snap). The modular SecretRoom environment is a good example where that apporach would make sense.
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Each CUA atom adds one prefab to the scene, so you need a CUA for each furniture item.

Recommendation would be to setup one single CUA and then duplicate that again and again. You can duplicate atoms using AcidBubbles Keybindings plugin. Once duplicated, you can choose another prefab form the dropdown menu, the assetbundle would already be selected.

If you got modular objects that need to be aligned on a grid, I would also recommend my own PowerHandles plugin. That allows you to just hold a hotkey to snap the atom to the grid while moving it (e.g. 10cm snap). The modular SecretRoom environment is a good example where that apporach would make sense.
Isn't the same as grid mode?
Capture d’écran 2024-05-20 104553.jpg
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Isn't the same as grid mode?
Yes, but you its only on while holding SPACE. As soon as you release the spacebar again, its off again. So it's much more convienient to use, in my opinion.

I have never used this button in this panel. What is it used for?
For example a position grid of 0.1 aligns things in 10cm steps (=0.1 meters). As you move an object, its just snapped to the closes position on grid....say 1.786 becomes 1.8. Simply rounded to the closest number. Very useful if you want regular alignment, say for those fields of buttons some scenes use. Like 5x5 buttons to change clothing or whatever. Or the mentioned SecretRoom example, where modular assets are build to fit exactly together then snapping to 10cm.
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