• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Acid Bubbles
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  • Thanks for the right link for learning how to use animation / groups.
    Previously i found some outdated guide and was doing it wrong.
    Random / animation provides even more options than a mocap.

    Thanks again Acid.
    Hi acid bubbles, I have been tinkering around with timeline and wow its a real game changer it's so easy to use even for a noob like me the one thing I really like to use is the record animation on certain keynodes, just a quick question am I able to somehow use this feature at a certain point in timeline animation say for example 3.200 seconds in or is it only at the beginning of every animation it can be used? because it would be so cool if I could let's say start by first move each keynode by hand then in the same animation at a point do a recorded animation, I hope this makes some sense as to what I'm getting at and hope you can give some response to this, please keep doing all the great things your doing for vam and thank you.
    Acid Bubbles
    Acid Bubbles
    Thanks! And yeah, recording from some point in the animation was actually something I added in the very last version, so it should work :)
    I apologise for being such a tool I didn't realise there was another update that I hadn't yet downloaded?‍♂️ thank you so much acidbubbles for your help
    Acid Bubbles
    Hey Acid Bubbles!
    Just wanted to thank you for everything you did and are still doing for the VaM community. Not only did timeline completely change the way in which I and many other VaM users create animations, but reading your code has also helped me so much with creating my own plugins.

    Thanks - you're a true legend! <3
    Acid Bubbles
    Acid Bubbles
    Wow, thank you for those nice words! They really are appreciated, despite Timeline's code not as good as I'd like it to be :D Have fun with your great projects too!
    Hey AcidBubbles. I recently started to dive deeper and learn Timeline and I just wanted to thank you both for the plug-in itself, and for the great documentation on it! It's absolutely phenomenal work and like the previous post said, VaM really wouldn't be what it is without you. Much respect to you!
    Hi Acid Bubbles! I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work! VaM would not be what it is today without you <3 <3 <3
    Acid Bubbles
    Acid Bubbles
    Thank you! <3 This is worth a lot to me, thanks for taking the time!
    Olá meu amigo, tudo bem? Vim aqui para agradecer por esse plugin. Era muito difícil de usar no começo, agora é MUITO FÁCIL kkkk HAHAHA Ainda estou descobrindo, mas parabéns pela criação e muito obrigado.
    Hello Acid. I have multiple installations of VaM and more than 1 have problems with Timeline.252.var... The errorlog says:
    Acid Bubbles
    Acid Bubbles
    Answered privately, but for others: the latest version of VaM should work :)
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