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Vamdom -  Ladies of the night

Scenes Vamdom - Ladies of the night


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deathorb submitted a new resource:

Vamtastic - This is a very novice test - apoligies for any screw ups

I have tried to package a scene and give a demo of what I have been working on.. It should be a very exciting waty to use VAM. It allows the changing between many ladies of the night - each with their own animation and vocals. This is achieved via a magical looking glass and a cyberpunk style terminal. The full version has a full rooster of beatified models and the ability to have virtual sex with them. It is intended for VR and uses the OSR2 to give real time commands. Can anybody let me...

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seems to be missing the futa appearance, i think the rest is working though. maybe the reveal panel is suppose to start as an image not the list of models?
seems to be missing the futa appearance, i think the rest is working though. maybe the reveal panel is suppose to start as an image not the list of models?
Thats no biggie. Does all the functionality work? vocals and music play on character click, tv screen works, cahracters in background are moving correctly - and also OSR2 is moving fine? Thanks BTW!

I think adding the character FUTA in the VAR package builder perhaps? I shall try
Thats no biggie. Does all the functionality work? vocals and music play on character click, tv screen works, cahracters in background are moving correctly - and also OSR2 is moving fine? Thanks BTW!

I think adding the character FUTA in the VAR package builder perhaps? I shall try
vocals and music are working. the green screen with buttons works. the reveal screen shows the 2 models or a static image, no movies like in the pics here, so probably something broken there. the grey characters only have the woman riding, it doesn't change for the futa scene but the main model does animate differently for the futa scene.

no idea on OSR2, i assume that's a sexy toy with a computer link, no such toys for me to play with.

another way you can test is to spin up a new version of VaM (copy the VaM_Updater.exe to a new folder, it will download the rest). then you can see what it's like on other peoples computers who don't have the same set of addon packages as you. also a great way to bundle var file to ensure it doesn't pull in any things it shouldn't
does the futa exist in it's own var package? if so you should link to that. if it's something you made then either add it in, or if you think it will be used in more scenes make its own var package
vocals and music are working. the green screen with buttons works. the reveal screen shows the 2 models or a static image, no movies like in the pics here, so probably something broken there. the grey characters only have the woman riding, it doesn't change for the futa scene but the main model does animate differently for the futa scene.

no idea on OSR2, i assume that's a sexy toy with a computer link, no such toys for me to play with.

another way you can test is to spin up a new version of VaM (copy the VaM_Updater.exe to a new folder, it will download the rest). then you can see what it's like on other peoples computers who don't have the same set of addon packages as you. also a great way to bundle var file to ensure it doesn't pull in any things it shouldn't
genius! Will try that
Could you change the title as users would probably think i have something to do with your scene.
to learn more about var packages check out this excellent guide by ZRSX: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/how-to-package-like-a-pro-a-guide-on-proper-var-building.8212/

skip the bit about fixing dependencies, great if you want to know how to manually change the code in files, but not needed in most situations.

focus on the "How to avoid it in the first place and make clean VARs easily" spoiler section instead, not only does it go over tricks like having more than 1 VaM install but also gives tips on what things to avoid pulling into your scene in the first place.
Could you change the title as users would probably think i have something to do with your scene.
Oh I wondered why that name sounded familiar, but I thought I made it up - you must make a plugin or something. I shall change it to something else.
Oh I wondered why that name sounded familiar, but I thought I made it up - you must make a plugin or something. I shall change it to something else.
Hi thanks deathorb . i mainly do assets , but have created other things .

just have to be aware of copyright material as for Meshed Vr it could harm the hub and get it shut down if the owners of the copyright stuff take action , i was using the logo from resident evil and Meshed Vr warned of using it . thought let you know incase someone reported your mp3 content ,i know its a bumber having restrictions .

not sure why but none of the sounds load ,giving errors cant load and some are missing , but the mp3 sounds that ain`t missing work ok in vlc.
your scene is offset when its loaded
a nice tip from MacGruber if your want to save the scene the way you see it ,go to the atom list in edit mode select scene Misc , you will see scene Load Position untick this and thats it . i know its a WIP scene keep it up .
Hi thanks deathorb . i mainly do assets , but have created other things .

just have to be aware of copyright material as for Meshed Vr it could harm the hub and get it shut down if the owners of the copyright stuff take action , i was using the logo from resident evil and Meshed Vr warned of using it . thought let you know incase someone reported your mp3 content ,i know its a bumber having restrictions .

not sure why but none of the sounds load ,giving errors cant load and some are missing , but the mp3 sounds that ain`t missing work ok in vlc.
your scene is offset when its loaded
a nice tip from MacGruber if your want to save the scene the way you see it ,go to the atom list in edit mode select scene Misc , you will see scene Load Position untick this and thats it . i know its a WIP scene keep it up .
Yeah I shall have to rethink it a little - at least my upload is too broke to cause any real upset lol. I am clearly a novice - I don't even know why its captured all of those plugins - I only use a few of them! I wish I could do a deal with someone to give them my entire vam directory in return for my full version (10 girls with custom voice and animations.)
Yeah I shall have to rethink it a little - at least my upload is too broke to cause any real upset lol. I am clearly a novice - I don't even know why its captured all of those plugins - I only use a few of them! I wish I could do a deal with someone to give them my entire vam directory in return for my full version (10 girls with custom voice and animations.)
Sorry for the long winded Text :)
yeah thats the trouble with var files , gets a bit messy its always best to find the origin of an item , like say a hair style from roac , but never use it its packed in someone else`s var that`s using it.
and if using your own stuff double check all is in its right place , like sounds is custom/sounds/deathorb etc as some users just drop it anywhere in the custom folder. but don`t think you have any problems in that area , still strange why vam didn't load you mp3s though ,
i unpacked the mp3s and put them in a folder named Deathorb , copied the folder with sounds to custom /assets/audio/RT_lipsync and copied again to customs /sounds/ , going to audio load in vam they loaded fine , i think the issue is with RT_lipsync . think i had the issue myself like wanting to use only certain sounds , but lipsync just looks at everything in the folder you put the sounds in and if you move or delete something it moans about it. cant remember how i stopped it ,not used the plugin in a while.
don`t give up mate you have an interesting concept going in your scene.
that`s the great thing about vams community , we all get stuck hear and there and help each other out .
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