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Solved What's the closest thing to AI available right now?


New member
I am a sapiosexual to a good degree, and personally a dummy just doesn't cut it for me. Intelligent eyes, complex response and the illusion of non scripted reaction can work. I've tried Mcgrubers life 10, ezmoan and emotion to give the models more life and it's got me wondering what else is out there, if there's any software capable of pushing the envelope further past what I've seen. I've seen a lot of learning based algorithms in computing in the last few years which makes me wonder, what are the possibilities of having a program that can pick up on algorithms and learn to create individual reactions?
We make the closest thing available... Clearly not AI, but it does change based on arousal (stimulation to orgasm), gender of the characters, position, etc. Costs a little at Patreon: www.patreon.com/vamX
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It's an interesting thought, but one that I think is doomed to fail, no matter how convincing it may actually appear to be.

Being sapiosexual, part of the attraction to someone's thoughts feeling and ideas, isn't just those in themselves, but how they got there. What little psychological quirks do they have, what was their life experience that impacts who they are now, what obstacles have they overcome, all the things that make them 'tick'.

The fact that you'd know all you see is artificial, is akin to the difference of a young kid being in awe cos Santa delivered all his presents and the one who found out it's mom or dad doing it. Once you know, you can't not know. There would have to be an amazingly powerful willing suspension of disbelief, I'm doubtful that could be overcome.

Don't get me wrong, some AI would be amazingly fun, but perhaps ironically the higher degree of sapiosexuality, the harder it would be for this to be successful.

I think the best current consumer level software for this kinda thing is probably akin to Alexa from amazon, although am not sure if that is classes as 'intelligent' as we would want it. Main stumbling blocks are the need for a trigger: 'Alexa play me Bob Dylan' works, 'Play me bob Dylan doesn't. It is also inherently subservient, with no drives or desires, just a tool to give us what we want.

I am approaching this from a different angle, I am exploring animations, I feel there is a lot more room to make them human like, especially in expressing emotion. Little smiles, sighs, looking away and not holding a 100% focused gaze, fleeting micro-expressions, analysis of body language etc.

This is all just for myself of course, although IF I ever stumble across things that make a difference I will happily share.

In short, I think what you have is for now, a dream, albeit a cool one! :)

PSL Apologies for the spoiler about Santa
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Nice response. I suppose Alexa is a good point to reference, though I'm pretty sure she is mostly just a vocalized search engine and script follower, the sort of thing I am curious about borders more on the philisophical side of the question 'is consciousness just a matrix of calculations or does it stem from something much deeper', which based on your belief system can vary in intensity from person to person when faced with an abstract concept such as self learning machine interaction.

I think there can be systems employed somehow to create a deeper more unpredictable response from a machine. For example take a signal that will output either a 1 or a 0 and have it cycle at an extremely high frequency through those numbers at random, then take another signal and have it cycle at the same frequency but at a much more consistent pattern then lower the frequency a few hundred hertz (hypothetically) and you will have a phasing pattern with random outcome, then have another signal coming from eye contact adjust the frequency of the phase to be more in sync or more random based on a coded preference of the machine. create a sequence to alternate sensory response via physical movement of individual parts of a body through a pipeline of data that has its individual targetpoints seeking a preferred pattern of frequency oscillation in order to react a a specific way.

The frequency required would be extremely high but the higher the frequency phase is the more outputs can be programmed in to replicate sensory response. Self awareness however has nothing to do with this. But it would be a pretty cool experiment.
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Nice response. I suppose Alexa is a good point to reference, though I'm pretty sure she is mostly just a vocalized search engine and script follower,

Oh totally, although i think they try and promote it as something else, with some element of illusion. example, we are prompted to say something like 'Alexa what is the weather going to be like today' yet 'Alexa, weather' gives us exactly the same result.

I am sure a massive degree of randomness like you describe can give some illusion of intelligence, but again, before you even pull your headset on, you know there are no desires, no drives, hopes or fears behind any output.

I do find the subject interesting tho, even tho not sapiosexual. Intelligence can be an attracting factor, but I've also had relationships with people thick as a plank ?

To be fair, that's probably something some of my ex's have said about me!

I've always had interest in body language, facial expression and the many non-verbal ways we communicate, I think these avenues will provide far more compelling stories and fantasies than having a virtual lover able to explain why E=MC 2 :)

haha I know that's not quite what you were driving at!
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