Wall Clock

Assets Wall Clock

Hi Matt, i tried to create a working real time asset clock with a second hand movement ,but could never get the script to function properly.
just curious what the reason is of using a dll over a cs script ?
I always wanted to try and create a dll script to control an asset. I actually made this a few years ago but couldn't get it to work but decided to try again.
I always wanted to try and create a dll script to control an asset. I actually made this a few years ago but couldn't get it to work but decided to try again.
I'm glad you did mate, it works very well and the update looks great. the second hand makes the clock look more alive.
thanks for doing this.
Pasted my code in ChatGPT and it fixed it so the minute and hour hand move a little each second like a normal clock. My code was just once per hour and once per minute
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