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Looks Vicky


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
depend.txt file is obsolete and no longer necessary to upload,
especially if you gonna hub-host, than dependencies tab have all the info. ;)

Ah okay, I have a question though.
Is there a way to check the dependencies of a file and what is hub hosted before you upload/activate it?
What I end up doing is uploading a file, checking the dependencies and then immediately updating the file removing some non-hub hosted items I didn't mean to include.
Is there a way to check the dependencies of a file and what is hub hosted before you upload/activate it?
Well, there is "sort of" but it's not perfect...you have to check references 1 by 1.
After you create package open manager and navigate to created package
click on references (dependencies) bottom-right it should open/navigate to selected reference
if there is link "open on hub" than it is hub hosted.

i think removed/hidden content still have that link (you should check if content is removed...you know...that "oops" page)
-after creating package open manager and navigate to your new package (for example: RVU.Basement.3)
-look for dependencies(references) and click on it (example: RVU.Dependencies)

-it should select/open reference
-look top right if there is "Open On Hub" link (you should open it, to verify that content is still hub 'available' and not removed)

Again not perfect, but it is the only way to check all dependencies before uploading...
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Thanks! Definitely helpful but if I have like 50 dependencies I might just upload it and post an update lol.
I guess... lol 🤣

Told you it's not perfect (btw..if package was never hub hosted there is no "open on hub" link, same if package doesn't have scene, no "open scene" link).
sadly that is the only alternative...or upload and see for yourself afterwards. ;)
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