Painter3000 submitted a new resource:
VAM2DAZ Converter for Blender 4.0 - This script is a Blender add-on designed to convert shape keys from VAM to DAZ format.
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VAM2DAZ Converter for Blender 4.0 - This script is a Blender add-on designed to convert shape keys from VAM to DAZ format.
1. Export the VAM mesh in OBJ format from the program.
2. Install the plugin in Blender.
3. Load the VAM mesh into Blender via the side panel (VAM2DAZ).
4. Create a DAZ mesh, whether skinned or in T-Pose.
5. Edit the DAZ mesh in Blender as needed. Adjustments can be made to the pose of skinned meshes and saved as a separate morph for export back to VAM in DAZ Studio.
6. Export the DAZ mesh in OBJ format and load it as a morph in DAZ Studio.
7. Export the DAZ morph for VAM. Note: In the...
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