

New member
Been messing around with VaM for a while and I think I'm getting hang of it slowly. However, it's like it's trying to push me away, not being intuitive or anything. The interface reminds me of something like Amiga inspired interface from Lightwave 3D from early 2000's.

I don't want to be too critical but why is every basic thing so difficult and unwieldy in VaM? From everything clipping through everything to physics exploding all over the place at simple hand possessing to whole system making it's best to prevent any kind of penetration. Shouldn't some of these things be handled on game level and not require plugins? I mean, the game should on some level know that some parts are supposed to go into some other parts if they are pushing into each other. Not clip from hole to hole through flesh etc. And possession is simply a mess. In VR hands are important but in VaM touching anything usually sends everything into flying and twisting human blender and really kills the mood (same goes to eyballs and jawbones clipping into the view when accidentally clipping).

Too often only solution is hard reset (to prevent crashing) and reload if something slips out of something else as it sure as hell isn't going to go into it again.
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