Plugins Ticklish

This plugin looks amazing, one question tho does the plugin works if you make one model touch the other ?
Thank you!

Sorry, no, it works for VR hands only. No objects or Person on Person action, too much work for me. I might look at it in the future but no promises
Fair enough I'm no dev but I can only imagine the work it takes to do these plugins, it's already a great plus even with vr hands only ! cheers
I've done something like this, but I couldn't figure out how to access the skin colliders. In the end, it wasn't the greatest, but sorta worked. I like this better though. How'd you end up getting the skin colliders to work? Also I'd add triggers for each area of the body. (Otherwise I will once you release it for free lol)
so it's done through custom code, checking for the Unity OnCollisionEnter and OnCollisionExit events on the targeted rigidbodies (vr hands fingers) with any other rigid bodies and filtering them if they're not of interest (targeted areas of the body of the person atom that has the plugin) more exactly. I don't think you can with vanilla vam if you're looking for something like that except if you hardcode collision triggers all over the body yourself, that should work fine but might drive you crazy in the process :)

I didn't try your scene yet, i'll check it out, but I did check the .var and noticed no /scripts so with vanilla vam probably that's the route you took with collision triggers, I thought about something like that too a while ago in my vam crazy machinery phase. If so, in theory your approach should work fine too

People over at my patreon actually voted for something like that to be the next release and it should be coming at the end of the week. It's gonna be a separate plugin, ExtraTriggers, and it's actually gonna work with any atom parts colliding with any other atoms parts. i rambled about it a bit over there over the weekend and posted an early wip if you want to check it out

Oh so I forgot to mention I didn't use my plugin in my scene. I was going to, but never needed it. I hard coded collision triggers to auto-spawn all over the body. I couldn't figure out how to make the OnCollisionEnter events for the rigid bodies. But just to be clear, I do actually have a custom plugin that never got released.
Ah, yeah. That would explain all those hidden collision triggers. They were auto-generated by the plugin, but I removed it before releasing it because I never used it.
Is it even possible to do rigid body collision triggers in vanilla vam?
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So I've downloaded and been testing it, and it's really great! But there's some must-haves that I think are missing.

First is the lack of changing the sound library for laughter. It's very repetitive and I have my own sounds I'd like to use. I also kinda was looking for a way to get the character to become more... audible. E.g. like in my scene I made. Anyway I'll try to find some more HiDef laughter sounds for using with this. (That's assuming you'll add support for changes to the audio files? ? haha)

Second is not having an OnTouch for every body part. It's really easy to implement, too. Just make it call the OnTouch event for every part that's enabled.

Third. This isn't technically a must have, but would be really nice. Having a separate section for OnHit events and an OnHit threshold. Essentially duplicating all the OnTouch events, but with a high velocity. This would allow you to distinguish between rough and light touches.

Anyway, thanks for this plugin! It's what I've been trying to make, but just never got the chance to do.
Sorry, no, it works for VR hands only. No objects or Person on Person action, too much work for me. I might look at it in the future but no promises

Oh btw this is also not hard. I looked into it and it's not hard to add CustomUnityAsset collision. You could even add a checkbox to toggle it for performance seeking users. (This is because CUA collision is expensive!)
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But you can use extratriggers to do custom triggers.

ExtraTriggers is for advanced users that want to do more custom stuff.

you can do that with extratriggers too,

Have I been missing something important? I never saw ExtraTriggers. Is this part of the var package?
This is a really nice and fun plugin! But I wonder if there any easier way to trigger it w/o the use of VR?
W/o it, you can still trigger it, but you'll have to move around the camera a lot. At least that how I've experienced it. =/
I am asking because I like to set-up scenes in desktop mode as this is much easier to do. :p
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