
Scenes Test

Oops! We ran into some problems.
You can not update your rating or review once the author has responded.
Can content be updated? If so i might change my mind about that rating and want to give a better or worse rating
Can content be updated? If so i might change my mind about that rating and want to give a better or worse rating
Interesting - didn't realize you can't change rating after a response. I think if I submit new version, you can rate the new version. Let me post an fake update here. See if you can re-rate after I do
@vamwebdev Thanks for looking into it so quick ! Can you see a back end log of the reviews that I posted?
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@VaMDeV There is no log of your past reviews. I checked all the logs I could find and also the sql database itself for the ratings table. It only keeps 1 rating per version per user. If you update a rating, the previous is permanently removed with no trail.
@VaMDeV There is no log of your past reviews. I checked all the logs I could find and also the sql database itself for the ratings table. It only keeps 1 rating per version per user. If you update a rating, the previous is permanently removed with no trail.
Shucks, and I was doing a clever monologue too. Essentially I did 6 reviews from 1-5 and back to 1 star, I wasn't sure what would happen. Now we know...
I don't know, is it worth keeping a public facing log of rating and review changes?
I wanted to update my previous rating but it's initially shown empty when clicking on "leave review" so i don't have a reference without looking at the review tab how i rated it the last time - i need to remember i reviewed it before + i need to dig through all reviews to see if i left some text.
Could it pick up the last given review, at least the star rating - maybe even with some different color highlight? I mean you have the information in the ratings table as i understood.
I wanted to update my previous rating but it's initially shown empty when clicking on "leave review" so i don't have a reference without looking at the review tab how i rated it the last time - i need to remember i reviewed it before + i need to dig through all reviews to see if i left some text.
Could it pick up the last given review, at least the star rating - maybe even with some different color highlight? I mean you have the information in the ratings table as i understood.
I would have to make an addon to do that. It would be nice if that was built in to the software but it isn't.
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