Solution for drapes and hanging cloth?


Active member
The sim sheet seems the obvious choice for cloth not attached to people, but I've not come across a way to hang it sideways/add some folds to it. The fact that it doesn't collide with assets properly is also a bummer. Is there a clever solution for creating hanging drape/curtain type assets in scenes? Or, does anyone know of a scene that uses hanging cloth assets I can check out?
Don't know of any assets currently out there but for some reason the dildo seems to interact with the sheet, adjusting the friction, distance scale and collision radius you can get it to stay on and change the alpha of the dildo so it is not visible except rough shape under the sheet. Not ideal but maybe can help for the time being.
Don't know of any assets currently out there but for some reason the dildo seems to interact with the sheet, adjusting the friction, distance scale and collision radius you can get it to stay on and change the alpha of the dildo so it is not visible except rough shape under the sheet. Not ideal but maybe can help for the time being.View attachment 4507

This is hilarious.... and my solution was also hilarious. I made two horridly oversized and distorted models without textures, and then used a few different clothing items with exaggerated physics set ups to hang down from the dark of their nightmarish, skinless, bodies. VAM is a trip.
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