Question Regarding VAM resource package download speed.


New member
So, I'm having a wierd problem. I have a connection with 150 Mbps speed and use VAM almost everyday. Everyday when I start for the first time, pacakge download is usually at good speed (like 450 MB package in about 25-30 seconds). But after a few downloads, speed drops drastically (like currently, it's been 30 minutes and a package of 24.5 MB is only 25% downloaded) and sometimes dropping the download to move to another qued item. This is happening since 14-15 days and now I'm thinking it's not a server load problem.

P.S. 1 - Internet speed is fine as I can still download 1.5 GB of other files (other sites) AND also when I download on chrome from hub too. I use application 'cause of one click download.

P.S. 2 - This issue is both with and without VPN.

Edit: even checked updater. It shows current version 1.22.03 and last of the desired version is also 1.22.03
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