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Assets + Accessories Reflections


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
I think it would be ideal if you describe more how to use it. I do not have idea what to do with files you provide. :)
I think it would be ideal if you describe more how to use it. I do not have idea what to do with files you provide. :)
Well, then, for starters, I would like to know if you know how to add CustomUnityAsset to the scene?

Reflections are added to the scene just like any other CustomUnityAsset.
What are reflections for?
The fact is that CustomUnityAsset does not support the reflections that act in the game and can be seen on glossy clothes and the body. This is especially noticeable if the CustomUnityAsset has metal materials, without my reflections, any metal in such an asset will look black. Therefore, I made reflections that you can add to your scene and all assets with metal materials will automatically take on the appearance of metals.

In addition, you can use these reflections in conjunction with the MacGruber Essentials ( SkyMagic ) plugin, then reflections will be added not only to assets, but to clothing and body, this will add reflections to everything in the game. And your scene in which there is an asset will acquire a general shade, there will be a holistic view.
i know how to add CUA and kinda how to create them in Unity, but i do it kinda withouth understanding all proces how textures and reflection works :)
Just to be sure i add via add CUA button and select your files yes?

so if i add such a reflection it would work for all objects that has reflection on during creation proces in Unity ? so if there are multiple objects it all has same reflection hmmm texture ? what with person atoms ? it already has some reflections texture visible if i tune gloss and specular bars for person. ? is it other file or adding your file will replace it ? and lastly how to create such textures? it would be cool to some scene to add such "scene" reflection instead of som baked fromother scnee one.

THQ :)
i know how to add CUA and kinda how to create them in Unity, but i do it kinda withouth understanding all proces how textures and reflection works :)
Just to be sure i add via add CUA button and select your files yes?

so if i add such a reflection it would work for all objects that has reflection on during creation proces in Unity ? so if there are multiple objects it all has same reflection hmmm texture ? what with person atoms ? it already has some reflections texture visible if i tune gloss and specular bars for person. ? is it other file or adding your file will replace it ? and lastly how to create such textures? it would be cool to some scene to add such "scene" reflection instead of som baked fromother scnee one.

THQ :)
Yes, just add the reflection to the scene as an asset.

If you are familiar with Unity, then my asset contains a Reflection probe, which is roughly speaking an environment baked in a panoramic image. All materials you create in Unity reflect something by default, and those reflections are taken from the Reflection probe. The glossier the material, the more noticeable the reflections. All objects from CustomUnityAsset will reflect the same environment if you place my reflection next to them.
For a person and clothes, the Reflection probe from CustomUnityAsset will not work.
But there is a plugin MacGruber Essentials ( SkyMagic ) that can add a custom Skybox to the scene, then the reflections will be absolutely on all atoms of the scene, including the person. This plugin can take reflections from my asset and create a skybox out of them. True, such a Skybox will be of very low resolution, but it is enough for reflections of this quality.
Hello, im back:D

i add vam sphere to scene and your reflection and it do nothing, sphere still show skybox reflection. so those of yours work only with cua.

Is it possbile to change specific atom reflection probe to added one (or better even without adding as cua couse as i add other cua get reflection from your cua). If not by standard means so via plugins?

One more question. is if possible to "metalic" object give realtime reflection of what is on the scene(including persons) like mirror? in some other topic meshed talk about "realtime" refleciton. i realize taht would be very FPS hit but it would be nice.
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Hello, im back:D

i add vam sphere to scene and your reflection and it do nothing, sphere still show skybox reflection. so those of yours work only with cua.

Is it possbile to change specific atom reflection probe to added one (or better even without adding as cua couse as i add other cua get reflection from your cua). If not by standard means so via plugins?

One more question. is if possible to "metalic" object give realtime reflection of what is on the scene(including persons) like mirror? in some other topic meshed talk about "realtime" refleciton. i realize taht would be very FPS hit but it would be nice.
Yes, these reflections are for CUA only.

I don't quite understand the question, you can use MacGruber Essentials to change not only the reflections but also the skybox and it will affect all objects, not only CUA but also characters and their clothes. Just add this plugin to the reflections. https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/macgruber-essentials.173/

As for real time reflections, it is possible but you will need a very powerful PC. FPS will be low.
Yes, these reflections are for CUA only.

I don't quite understand the question, you can use MacGruber Essentials to change not only the reflections but also the skybox and it will affect all objects, not only CUA but also characters and their clothes. Just add this plugin to the reflections. https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/macgruber-essentials.173/

As for real time reflections, it is possible but you will need a very powerful PC. FPS will be low.
Could you point me how to enable real time reflection in unity to get it in vam. i have uberpc and fps loss is no matter :)

my question is if you can set diffrent reflection for diffrent object, so eg i add some asset with reflection like your but its not automaticaly grab by other cuas, then i add some plugin to cua that intrest me and set in that plugin which reflection is used for that cua.
Could you point me how to enable real time reflection in unity to get it in vam. i have uberpc and fps loss is no matter :)

my question is if you can set diffrent reflection for diffrent object, so eg i add some asset with reflection like your but its not automaticaly grab by other cuas, then i add some plugin to cua that intrest me and set in that plugin which reflection is used for that cua.
Could you point me how to enable real time reflection in unity to get it in vam. i have uberpc and fps loss is no matter :)

my question is if you can set diffrent reflection for diffrent object, so eg i add some asset with reflection like your but its not automaticaly grab by other cuas, then i add some plugin to cua that intrest me and set in that plugin which reflection is used for that cua.
In Unity, in the Reflection Probes properties, you need to specify the type of reflections, baked reflections or in real time, look for guides.

Choosing different reflections for different CUAS in the game is impossible, at least I do not know of such a way, maybe it can be done using some kind of script, I do not know.
In Unity, in the Reflection Probes properties, you need to specify the type of reflections, baked reflections or in real time, look for guides.
THQ ive look for quide and it seem quite easy :) though cut my fps by more than half (from 5fps to 2 :))
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