Problems preparing a look for upload


Hi all, as always, thanks in advance for any help and advice.

I am trying to go through the process for uploading a look.

First, I am still a little confused about what to save as, instead of 'save look' I am to go into 'appearance preset' and select 'create new preset', correct?

After this, in the add-on package builder, I am having errors come up I really don't understand.

1. !> VAR file AddonPackages\Laura.var is not named with convention <creator>.<name>.<version>

I have nothing in the look that I can find that references Laura. There is nothing in the contents tab with this name, the character is naked, no clothes.

2. The content tab references hair and morphs that are worn or used as I would expect

There is a long list (in full below) of missing add-on packages, but again, I have not used any of these for this look.

Is it possible that at one time I had them on before I actually finished the look and it retains record they were used at some stage?

3. Assuming I can with help fix this, is there a guide somewhere about how to actually upload to the hub?

Thanks for reading, full error list follows:

!> Missing addon package Hunting-Succubus.Enhanced_Eyes.latest that packageddaamm.Eun-Jung.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package cotyounoyume.ExpressionBlushingAndTearsFullVer.3 that packageKdollMASTA.KDoll_Mk10.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Hunting-Succubus.Enhanced_Eyes.latest that packageKdollMASTA.KDoll_Mk10.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package KdollMASTA.KDoll_Mk2.latest that packageKdollMASTA.KDoll_Mk10.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package KdollMASTA.K_Doll_Mk_5.2 that packageKdollMASTA.KDoll_Mk10.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package YameteOuji.YameteOuji_Shoes_MidHeelA.latest that packageRuthven2000.PrettyInPink.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package YameteOuji.Skirt_002Pleated.latest that packageRuthven2000.PrettyInPink.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package YameteOuji.Blouse_MakoTop.latest that packageRuthven2000.PrettyInPink.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package YameteOuji.Skirt_002Pleated.latest that packageRuthven2000.ThePledge.3 depends on
!> Missing addon package YameteOuji.Blouse_002Golf.latest that packageRuthven2000.ThePledge.3 depends on
!> Missing addon package YameteOuji.Socks_005KneeUsagi.latest that packageRuthven2000.ThePledge.3 depends on
!> Missing addon package via5.Synergy.1 that packageTetsuzaru.Maru.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Hunting-Succubus.Enhanced_Eyes.latest that packageTetsuzaru.Maru.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package WeebU.Vren_Futa_Skins_free.latest that packageWeebU.Yuri_Futa_model.1 depends on
Those look like errors unrelated to your package, but rather missing packages and invalid package filenames in your AddonPackages folder when loading VaM. Try clearing the errors first, and then try packaging your look again. Make sure you reference var content, otherwise you'll need to "fix missing packages" in the package builder. If anything is wrong, it'll show you in red in the package builder, not in the error log.
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Ah that makes sense, cheers Bubbles, much appreciated!

It threw me as it only came up when I had tried to make a package.
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