
Paid Clothing Preset_pack_3

Thanks for the reply to my suggestion:

Very nice. Looking forward to more themed preset packs. Very cool way to make your extensive collection shine.
A suggestion would be to repackage all the existing clothing in easy to install packages. Especially the early works (Leggings, tight pants etc.) are so far back that they could be rerelased.

Hi. I didn't quite understand what it means; - "easy to install packages"? Why are the current packages difficult to install?
Anyway, thanks for the feedback ! I am already preparing a mega-pack all the clothes released earlier (but this is a very large amount of work, so it will take a mo-o-o-re time)?

The packages are not difficult to install there are just sooo many.
A mega pack with all the earlier released clothes is perfect news. Since this is surely a huge amount of work i thought several large packages would also be nice and allow you to slice the work up.
Everything is better than having hundreds of files of your great clothing.
But take your time. Quality over quantity. ?
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