Porn Star Abby

Looks Porn Star Abby


Well-known member
PeteyTheKittler submitted a new resource:

Requested Lookalike - Abby - A realistic look inspired by an adult entertainment actress from the Czech Republic

This look is based on a request. A realistic look inspired by an adult entertainment actress from the Czech Republic.

You can download the scene including the look below. Everything you need is included in the var.

The clothes on the pictures are not part of the package, since they can't be shared free.

Hope you like the look! :) I appreciate your feedback!

Hair by ROAC -

View attachment 12495


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Small suggestion-

You are including Roac's Sammy hair in this var package. You should instead download the VAR package linked below, and then use the hair from this package in your look, and finally re-save and repackage your var. That way when you package your look, it simply references Roac's package instead of including a copy. This prevents users of your content from having duplicate hair items in their library if they already have Roac's Sammy var package. If you modified the hair for this look and truly do need to include it, you could rename the hair, like "Roac Sammy (Abby Variant)" so it is then a unique, derivative item.

Roac just recently put most vars on the hub, so you would have a single dependency and still get the Hub-Hosted VAR tag.

Thanks for the suggestion. Actually I wanted to do as recommended by you but I were unable to find the VAR for this specific hairstyle (probably just too blind...). I only had the old version of the hair, which came without VAR back in the day. I'll update the post later today and reupload the new file.
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