C&G-STUDIO submitted a new resource:
[POGVR] "Aviana" + [C&G-STRIPPED] "Aviana BoobieBounce" - An other stunnder by POGVR + a cute, little and voiced 10 MoCap pieces BoobieBounce Scene ;)
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[POGVR] "Aviana" + [C&G-STRIPPED] "Aviana BoobieBounce" - An other stunnder by POGVR + a cute, little and voiced 10 MoCap pieces BoobieBounce Scene ;)
POGVR "Aviana" comes in two versions. A "thicc" and a "slim" version so you have adublepack to play with!
Personally I loved that model that much I decided to create a small scene around her. Actually I wanted to have a simple boobie swing loop.....well now it ended with 10 short MoCap pieces, custom (entertaining) voice and more in built functionality.
A real treat isn't it? ?
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