Plugin Idea: List Plugins on another Atom/Empty Atom connected to a Person


Well-known member
I have been working with Silver Expression Tool plugin which lets you randomize expressions. I have also been working with Vinput AutoThruster which lets you randomize body movements.

Based on my research, the way most people are using these plugins, is they are creating multiple instances of it on a Person and toggling each one on and off. This can lead to a really long messy list on a Person atom depending on how many instances you need. In my situation it's 25 instances of one and possibly another 10 of the other.

It also makes it more challenging to re-use that set across scenes or share it out as a controller or UI tool.

If I could put 25 instances of Silver Expression Tool plugin on another empty atom connected to the person that I can toggle on and off with buttons and that entire atom can be imported into scenes as needed, this would then provide a Controller / Control Panel option for plugins that would free up the model from having the clutter of multiple instances of one plugin. Especially when maybe only one or a few are on at a given time.

You can do something like this with Vinput where you create a list of triggers but it gets really messy and hard to read with manually entering text lines for each trigger. Instead of using triggers, I'm using an entire instance of the plugin which doesn't unmap as easily when moved from scene to scene. You could also potentially use it to toggle the plugin settings to another completely different model for testing/use like a router.

It would also help keep things more organized and I could more easily cross use that on different scenes. People could also share out these UI plugin based modules or easily re-use them across scenes to create more randomized options or for possibly other use cases.

Does anything exist like this? If not it might be a plugin idea to consider.
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