Pimax 12K QLed

I don't think so, I think at least you will need 4090Ti SLI 😅
New 2000W PSUs incoming. Insanity.
I call insanity, no PC will have a hope of running that for a few more generations.
I think it'll be just fine with current hardware. VAM is extremely graphically simplistic when compared to other games, even with Unity, that run just fine on current hardware . So basically you'll run into a CPU limitation first with a VR headset because VAM is poorly optimized. I ran VAM in 5k desktop and was expecting a performance drop but it didn't occur in scenes where CPU activity was kept to a minimum, and when it did drop in scenes with greater physics/script load the framerate was basically the same as the lower resolutions. Seems as long as you have a decent graphics card (I use a 3080) it doesn't matter the resolution of the headset, you'll run into CPU limitation barrier first before rendering 12k becomes a GPU bottleneck issue.
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