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Panic Room


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vamurai submitted a new resource:

Panic Room - Where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you...

Welcome to the Panic Room. Just a simple cowgirl scene set to the beat of some darker music. Maybe a surprise waiting at the end...

View attachment 44595

I needed a break from fighting the Blender-to-Unity texture battle, so I decided to churn out a simpler scene that follows the same theme (cowgirl riding to good music) but with a much simpler environment (see also: no environment.) The "environment" here is the lighting and audio.

View attachment 44597


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I know I am late to the party but I must say I love your work. Most definitely my favorites!
vamurai updated Panic Room with a new update entry:

Some feature updates!

What gives?

I've hit an animation wall with the scene I'm currently working on, so I am taking a break to go back through my other scenes and update them with some of the community suggestions. This being my first published scene, I've decided to update it first.


  • Replaced AcidBubbles' Passenger and Improved POV with Embody, which does the job of both, but better!
  • Changed the Embody toggle key to the Right Ctrl key (moved from the tilde/backquote...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Great scene, left you a review. The wings.. I see that you included it in your package. I've unpacked it and taken a look. If I wanted to modify or perhaps replace it with something else, would it require much effort to explain how to do that?
Great scene, left you a review. The wings.. I see that you included it in your package. I've unpacked it and taken a look. If I wanted to modify or perhaps replace it with something else, would it require much effort to explain how to do that?
Not a problem at all! It helps if you have knowledge of navigating through objects, items and plugins, but it's not too tricky. I'll write up a little how-to, just in case you or others aren't comfortable in the menus.

If you edit the scene (switch to edit mode with the button in the UI, or the "E" key on your keyboard), you'll see that the wings are just a CUA (Custom Unity Asset) that are pinned to Felicity's back using BlazeDust's ParentHoldLink plugin. Click on the "Select" button in the UI, check "Show Hidden" and scroll to the bottom of the list to find "Wings." Once you choose Wings from the left list, choose Control from the right and you'll be modifying the root control of that CUA. See the screenshot below.


From the Asset tab, you'll be able to select a new CUA from your own files. You shouldn't have to modify the plugin, as it keeps the CUA pinned to her back, but you may have to modify it's position/size/etc if you're loading your own asset in there.


What you will have to modify is the animation itself. Using the first screenshot as a guide, find Felicity in the Select list, and choose her root control (or just cycle hitting the 'N' key until you find her, that's the shortcut for the little "Cycle Select Person" icon.) Once you have her root selected, choose "Plugins" from her root on the left, then hit the "Open Custom UI" button on the right.

You'll need to choose the "Targets" tab, then choose Pickup 3 from the animation list.


You need to be in Targets, because next you need to modify a trigger in this animation. Click on the little dot in the timeline shown in the image below. This will highlight "Triggers 1" and show you the "Edit Triggers" button on the right. Click on that button.


Next, you'll need to click the "Settings" button on the Action called "Load Wings"


And last, you'll need to modify the stuff here. If you've changed the name of the "Wings" CUA atom to something else, or you're using a new Atom, you will need to select that here in "Receiver Atom." Changing an Atom's name doesn't normally ruin everything attached to it, but it's always good to check. Either way, if you're using a new CUA or any other asset, you will need to change the assetName in the bottom dropdown to the new item you've added.


Oh, one more thing. The Reset button turns the wings back off, since it resets the scene. If you've changed the name of the CUA, or added something else that's in a new Atom, you may have to change the Atom that's being targeted. Using the above screenshots as guides, you will want to edit that Reset button, look at its list of button triggers, find the one that says "Wings Off," and then make sure it's unloading the asset. The default looks like this:


You'll need to choose your new Atom and make it look like that as well, if you want it to unload.

That should be it! Feel free to ask any clarifying questions if this wasn't helpful.


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vamurai updated Panic Room with a new update entry:

Updates by request!

After a couple of requests to make this shorter scene loop automatically, I went ahead and implemented that. I also took the opportunity to do a number of other things to this old scene.

Change notes:
  • Switched out Passenger and Improved POV for Acid Bubbles' newer Embody.
  • Moved the Embody toggle key from the backquote key to the Right Control key for non-US keyboard compatibility.
  • Added volume controls for the soundtrack and for Felicity's breathing.
  • Added a light Orgasm...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Loop works perfect. (y)
The loop checkbox for is perfect because the user can decide.
This is how all scenes should work!
I did expect a simple "just reset the scene"-loop. That's what many creators do - and that's fine and better than no loop option.
Instead you even did a transition.
Love how she even 'cleans up' for the next ride.
I can't think of anything else to improve now.
Loop works perfect. (y)
The loop checkbox for is perfect because the user can decide.
This is how all scenes should work!
I did expect a simple "just reset the scene"-loop. That's what many creators do - and that's fine and better than no loop option.
Instead you even did a transition.
Love how she even 'cleans up' for the next ride.
I can't think of anything else to improve now.
Thank you! I'm not in love with the animation for the cleanup, I think it could be tighter, but that would require using cum textures that I could more accurately remove when the hands pass by. For now, it's good enough!

I considered just a reset, but what's the fun in that? ?
I don't hear the breathing, any idea?

Excellent scene nevertheless (y)

EDIT: Fixed, I'm dumb
I don't hear the breathing, any idea?

Excellent scene nevertheless (y)

EDIT: Fixed, I'm dumb
What did it end up being, if you don't my asking? This was my first published scene, so there wasn't much in the way of features that I've added since, adjustable volume is one of those. Since that feature was added later, there's always a chance I messed something up!
What did it end up being, if you don't my asking? This was my first published scene, so there wasn't much in the way of features that I've added since, adjustable volume is one of those. Since that feature was added later, there's always a chance I messed something up!
Well, just the music was too loud for me, decreasing it was enough to hear everything else properly =)
Well, just the music was too loud for me, decreasing it was enough to hear everything else properly =)
Ah, perfect! I'm so glad I went back and added audio controls in this one. I can't remember which ones I haven't added them for, but I really should make sure all of my scenes have this feature. Glad you got it sorted!
Pretty new to all this, tried this scene and right when i hit start, the penis slips and isn't in her. then the scene carries on in what i can only describe as pure penis demolition haha. I'm maybe missing something as i'm new to this
Pretty new to all this, tried this scene and right when i hit start, the penis slips and isn't in her. then the scene carries on in what i can only describe as pure penis demolition haha. I'm maybe missing something as i'm new to this
"Pure penis demolition!" What a fantastic description! :LOL:

I'm not sure what might be happening in your specific case, and I'm not able to recreate it on my end, so here are a few things I would try, in order of easiest to trickiest.

First and foremost, click the "Stop/Rest button a couple of times. It loads a position state for Felicity, and might be enough to get everything centered back up to work. If this doesn't work, keep reading.

Next, I'd make sure soft body physics are turned on for this scene. Being one of the first scenes I ever created, I made a lot of risky choices with hip and pelvis movement, and it can lead to high rates of popout. Once the scene gets going, it's mostly good to go, but some of those really high positions are always going to stay risky.

To do this, first click on the Main UI button (the "three bars" in the image below), then choose User Preferences on the left, then make sure there's a check in Soft Body Physics.


If this was turned off, give the scene a go and see if that helped (remembering to hit stop/reset first to get Felicity reset to her default position.) If this didn't fix it, keep reading, and we can try something a little more in-depth.

I noticed that I have Felicity's position saved and loading at the beginning of the "Start" sequence in Timeline. I have since stopped doing this a while ago, since it can create an undesirable "jump" at the beginning of the scene. This jump might be what's causing the popout right when the scene starts to play. To remove this position loading, read on below.

First, Go into Edit Mode (You start by default in Play Mode.) This should unlock some additional buttons in the UI. Click on the Cycle Person Atom button. It's the greenish one that looks like two people, not one. It may take a moment to load, but even MORE UI will open up above. The top right corner tells you which Person Atom you currently have selected. Click the Cycle Person Atom button until you have the one that says Felicity. Once it says Felicity, click the Plugins button in the upper left area.


Plugins will show you a list of the plugins that Felicity has loaded on her. Look for the Timeline plugin, and click the Open Custom UI button.


Last steps! Click on the Animation button near the top where it says Reposition. A dropdown appears and you will choose Start. After that, click the Edit button above, then scroll down in the right column and look for the button that says Clear Saved Pose. This will remove the saved pose that causes the "jump" that I suspect could be causing the immediate popout.


Close those menus out, or just go back to Play mode and try it out again.

If the last step above ends up being the fix, please let me know. I can make a tiny update release to fix that issue if it's going to cause problems for people, but I hate to release a new update if it doesn't help.

Either way, let me know if this helped at all, cause if it doesn't, there may be more things we can try out.


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I got it to work without issue. I realised my mistake and it was a REALLY dumb one, and I feel bad that I might of wasted your time. I had hand collision on and when possessing the head, I must have pushed things. I tried it a few times without any collision and just moved the cam to where the head was, and it worked perfectly. So sorry. and thanks for the amazing scene and speedy, detailed, reply.
I got it to work without issue. I realised my mistake and it was a REALLY dumb one, and I feel bad that I might of wasted your time. I had hand collision on and when possessing the head, I must have pushed things. I tried it a few times without any collision and just moved the cam to where the head was, and it worked perfectly. So sorry. and thanks for the amazing scene and speedy, detailed, reply.
No worries! I have good screenshotting software, so it's no trouble at all to make a bunch of screenshots to help show what I'm trying to say.

I'm glad you got it working!

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