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Meru Succubus Scene


New member
Can someone make a Meru scene based on this video (Episode 1)? that would be epic! Or at least give tips how best to go about it? I found the someone has made a 3d model of Meru and someone has the tcode of the motions, but how to re-create the scene? If you can help make this a reality, I can help get you those things. Thank you!!

If you don't know how to animate with Timeline, possibly the best option for this kind of scene, then you now have a good motive to learn it :)

To go about such a scene you should break it down into parts. Some parts are a lot more difficult than others, or require more experience, so divide the scene into manageable parts. Consider this complete scene as a long project as you slowly develop the skills to do all parts at different rates. You can start by making simple sex loops, they tend to be loops mostly, and as you learn more about Timeline you'll be able to do more complex movements. Start with something a bit rough and then tune it.
I won't lie, good stuff takes a long time to make, and you're going to redo it a lot of times. The good thing is that as you learn about it you get a lot faster and can predict the optimal way to do stuff, you can save time in the future at the cost of time now.

Good luck 👍
Thanks Atani! that is great tips. I wonder if there is body tracking/motion capture that would help with mapping the motions faster.
I just made Meru for you. Pic is a work in progress. She'll be on the hub when I'm done.
I still need to tweak the textures and adjust the hair/colliders.
Anime characters are hard.
meru 2.jpg
Wow fantastic! thank you Origin69!
Dammit... This is why a simple search before making a look is useful. I was searching for a usable cua tail and found her.

Glitch has already made a great free version which looks more accurate to the show.

"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. "
Dr. Ian Malcolm
Glitch's version is nice, but your version was more what I was going for! I hope you are still planning to publish it! You did such a great job.
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