
Scenes Maria

I know this was your first upload, but judging by your newer releases you "probably" know how to make somewhat funcional var package. :unsure:
And this .zip not package is bad in so many ways.

From pointless meta.json to ~300 loose morphs (with questionable origin)
and asset +scene (looking for moonscene.assetbundle inside save/scenes) o_O

This needs revisit and proper var update ASAP, so people don't flood their clients with 300 morphs, half are duplicates already (consider using morphMerger).
Also instead of using old way of having assets with the scene.json, it's better practice to have assets inside ...Custom/Assets/<author>/assetbundle
scene only load on clean VAM client
!> Hair item Roac.Arty.2:/Custom/Hair/Female/Roac/Roac Arty.vam is missing
!> Hair item Roac.Arty.2:/Custom/Hair/Female/Roac/Roac Arty wisps.vam is missing
!> Hair item Nobody.luanna_and_vanessa.1:/Custom/Hair/Female/Rich Wilder/Stephanie/Stephanie.vam is missing
!> Clothing item Custom/Clothing/Female/AnythingFashionVR/AFVR_white_Knee_high_Socks/AFVR_white_Knee_high_Socks.vam is missing
!> Clothing item Custom/Clothing/Female/Quanto/LooseTop2/LooseTop2.vam is missing
!> Clothing item Hunting-Succubus.EyeBall_Shadow.4:/Custom/Clothing/Female/HUNTING-SUCCUBUS/EyeBall Shadow/EyeBall Iris Reflction.vam is missing
!> Clothing item Hunting-Succubus.EyeBall_Shadow.4:/Custom/Clothing/Female/HUNTING-SUCCUBUS/EyeBall Shadow/EyeBall WetLine.vam is missing
!> Clothing item Hunting-Succubus.EyeBall_Shadow.4:/Custom/Clothing/Female/HUNTING-SUCCUBUS/EyeBall Shadow/EyeBall Shadow.vam is missing
!> Clothing item Hunting-Succubus.Eye_WetLine_Test.1:/Custom/Clothing/Female/HUNTING-SUCCUBUS/test2/Eye WetLine Test.vam is missing
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Arms&Hands_Reloaded-Lite/Nails long.vmi or name Nails long referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Morphs Mega Pack/Squeeze - Torso 02.vmi or name Squeeze - Torso 02 referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips bubble bottom.vmi or name Lips bubble bottom referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Morphs Mega Pack/Lips bubble top.vmi or name Lips bubble top referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips bubble top.vmi or name Lips bubble top referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips curves lower.vmi or name Lips curves lower referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/reloaded lite/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips curves upper.vmi or name Lips curves upper referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Lips curves upper.vmi or name Lips curves upper referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/reloaded lite/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips shape 1.vmi or name Lips shape 1 referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips shape 2.vmi or name Lips shape 2 referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/reloaded lite/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips shape 3.vmi or name Lips shape 3 referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Lips small Y.vmi or name Lips small Y referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Mouth big Y.vmi or name Mouth big Y referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Mouth corner back.vmi or name Mouth corner back referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Mouth corner define.vmi or name Mouth corner define referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth corner up.vmi or name Mouth corner up referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Mouth corner width.vmi or name Mouth corner width referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Mouth height.vmi or name Mouth height referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth lower to front.vmi or name Mouth lower to front referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Mouth relax bottom.vmi or name Mouth relax bottom referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth_Reloaded-Lite/Mouth relax top.vmi or name Mouth relax top referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Mouth relax top.vmi or name Mouth relax top referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Morphs Mega Pack/Mouth upper to front.vmi or name Mouth upper to front referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Nose_Reloaded-Lite/Nose big.vmi or name Nose big referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Nose_Reloaded-Lite/Nose center wide.vmi or name Nose center wide referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Nose_Reloaded-Lite/Nose flat.vmi or name Nose flat referenced in save file
!> Could not find morph by uid Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/Nose_Re


!> Error during attempt to load assetbundle Oronan.Juri.1:/Custom/Assets/colorcorrect.assetbundle. Not valid
!> Error during attempt to load assetbundle TGC.Asset_SexToys.1:/Custom/Assets/TGC/sex toys.assetbundle. Not valid
Hey Wolverine,

I really love your content and looks. For some reason some of your looks/vars don't seem show up in the game. I really want to meet your version of Barbie.

As you have now been doing this for a while, was wondering if you could please help with all these errors with your vars;

!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria_2_0_1_.latest that packageWolverine333.JILL_LOOK.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.MARIA-2_0_1_Fixed.latest that packageWolverine333.JILL_LOOK.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria2_0_.latest that packageWolverine333.JILL_LOOK.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package mitch.maria3.latest that packageWolverine333.JILL_LOOK.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria_2_0_1_.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_2.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.MARIA-2_0_1_Fixed.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_2.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria2_0_.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_2.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package mitch.maria3.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_2.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria_2_0_1_.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_3.2 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.MARIA-2_0_1_Fixed.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_3.2 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria2_0_.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_3.2 depends on
!> Missing addon package mitch.maria3.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_3.2 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria_2_0_1_.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_4.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.MARIA-2_0_1_Fixed.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_4.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria2_0_.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_4.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package mitch.maria3.latest that packageWolverine333.LAUREN_4.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria_2_0_1_.latest that packageWolverine333.SHELBY.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.MARIA-2_0_1_Fixed.latest that packageWolverine333.SHELBY.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package Wolverine333.Maria2_0_.latest that packageWolverine333.SHELBY.1 depends on
!> Missing addon package mitch.maria3.latest that packageWolverine333.SHELBY.1 depends on

Kind regards
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