MalMorality's SuperDuperAmazingSmile

Morphs MalMorality's SuperDuperAmazingSmile

MalMorality updated MalMorality's SuperDuperAmazingSmile with a new update entry:

More changes.

* Changed mouth corner, to avoid weird wrinkle.
* Changed nose area, as there was a unintentional wrinkle, that made it look like the person just smelled something bad.
* Added more effect on the outer edges of the eyes. "Crows Feet".
* Fixed distance form mouth to laugh line.
* Nose no longer dips down when the morph is increased. Instead, the flesh around the nostrils get lifted. This is more akin to how a real smile works.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hey, in case you didn't know this already (and not like it makes a big difference): If you open the VMI file in any text editor, up near the top change
   "isPoseControl" : "false",

   "isPoseControl" : "true",

to make your morph show up in VaM as a pose morph.
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