Your looks are quietly some of the best around, but this one was lacking a bit. It seems like a white girl who just had the sliders on skin tone moved slightly. The skin color has an almost gray pallor and her mouth and nose look unconvincing. I really love your stuff so just wanted to give this feedback because I really wanted to like this one.
Its a nice look but dont get me wrong, it feels like this update should be a new look and not replace the old one.
I really like the v1 of this for its darker skin color and also her face was/is already perfect to me.
i put them side by side and i dont feel like its the same girl anymore :|
First i thought this was an misstake ..also when i saw that the preset name is Sharla.
Maybe you can upload the v2 as Sharla and give back the v1 look?![]()
could you tell me, why she is not available in the game hub?
please do, she's very hotI think its coz of the outfit. I'm going to update it soon