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Lily's Throne

Scenes Lily's Throne


Invaluable member
Featured Contributor
Damarmau submitted a new resource:

Lily's Throne - Anal Scenes for Lily on her throne.

17 Scenes for Lily.

Sometimes they will load with dick out of the hole. Most scenes are fine but there are a few specific ones that can sometimes be problematic. Seems to be random for me. There are usually a couple ways to fix it.
1. Sometimes it will fix itself.
2. Go back to previous scene then forward again.
3. Enable edit and pick some node on the male (penis base) to pull things in right direction, once inside it shouldn't come out.

Auto download...

Read more about this resource...
Might be the voice of ignorance here, but why cant dependencies be included in the zip file???
Might be the voice of ignorance here, but why cant dependencies be included in the zip file???

Some creators don’t like it when you include their stuff directly.

Bundling it all together also means everyone has to download everything again even if they already have it.

Once 1.20 arrives this should be less of a problem anyways as VaM will supposedly have a way of auto downloading anything missing if the missing file has been posted to hub.

Pretty amazing scenes thanks!
Thanks, glad you liked it.
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My errors right now are
Ben-g Copperchrissss_redfield.latest

Ive went the "redfield" page and the only down load available is Ben-g Copperchrissss_redfield ver 2.
Have no idea where to get the custom options package.
Hmmm, I might have the original version that had some naming issues and Ben changed the name when he fixed it. I’ll update the meta file to reflect the new name (though it might be more involved than that). All I used was the hair from it though so any morph errors can be ignored for now (but if name is different it might not pick up hair either?).

Either way I’ll investigate further next time I’m at pc.
Might be the voice of ignorance here, but why cant dependencies be included in the zip file???
Because Dependencies, quite often, belong to different people, and if not given express permission to use them, it is illegal and, companies who have purchased rights to other peoples stuff have sued for thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars over this kind of thing. (MXRmods on Youtube is currently going through litigation)

TLDR they don't include the dependencies to legally cover their ass.
Everytime I run the scene I get these errors. A lot of them can be ignored because they have nothing to do with this scene except for the first line and the last 3 lines. Why am I missing a custom options folder, does the scene depend on this? Also more importantly I can't get Ash Auryn's Sexpressions to work I downloaded "AshAuryn.Expressions.2" "AshAuryn.Sexpressions.2" and even "TenStrip.Morphs.2" as this was the only thing I could find that had to do with tenstrip and i couldn't find tenstrip_expressions mentioned in the error log. Am I missing something or does this have more to do with 1.20? It seems like the whole scene is working minus the facial expressions.


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There might be some 1.2 related issues, not sure if I’ve loaded the scenes up post 1.2 but I’ll look into that but might not get to it until sometime this weekend.

The first thing, custom options, can be ignored. Not sure what is causing this error.

See if you have the var flagged to preload morphs, if not enable and see if that fixes anything.

Not sure on the tenstrip and ash morphs if you have those packs installed unless it is an issue with expression randomizer and 1.2.

I might have to do some other updates to the scene due to 1.2 changes and newer version of veerifters updated breast autogravity plugin plus maybe add a button to turn off floor mirror to help with performance for some people.
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Ah okay thanks I started downloading a bunch of these shortly after 1.20 and its often hard to tell if its user error or compatibility issues with the new version. Thanks for the quick reply and the hard work my man!

edit: and on that dude's issue above I ran into same issue and took out the underscore in the name of the file and it worked. The file definitely just got renamed at some point
There might be some 1.2 related issues

So it looks like 1.2 broke expression randomizer, the plugin creator said he was working on a fix but in the same reddit thread I saw some simple looking changes that can be made to existing script to get it working again which I will try later today.
"customOptions" is falsely listed as a dependency because meta.json is missing a right bracket '}' before the end of the list of dependencies, so it think's that "customOptions" is a property of "dependencies" when really it is supposed to be a property of the scene. This can be fixed by manually changing the last few lines of the meta.json to look as follows.
        "Molmark.Cumpack.latest" : {
           "licenseType" : "CC BY-NC",
           "dependencies" : {
    "customOptions" : {
        "preloadMorphs" : "true"
The two lines above "customOptions" are the ones the need to be changed, the first to remove the trailing comma, which is technically bad json, and second to add another } to close finish the dependencies.
Floor still mirroring for me which TANKS performance :/
I noticed that when I opened it recently, will have to fix that.

In the mean time you can disable mirrored surfaces in your preferences when using the scene.
Damarmau updated Lily's Throne with a new update entry:

Fixes and version for use with thinner looks.

I Removed the mirrored slate floor which should improve performance. I also added an actual environment but it can be toggled off from the E (environment button) in the scenes.

I added a second version of the scenes that uses thin version of Hanna which should work better if you are wanting to swap in looks that aren't as thicc as Lily.

Just load your appearance preset from the appearance preset tab and click the checkbox for locking the preset and go through the scenes with the look of...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I know it is quite old scene but can it be remake in such a way that changing position don't change the scene, like your modern scenes?
You have other fantastic scenes and remixes also, and it would be awesome if they get upgraded also.
Keep up the good work man
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