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Identify Unsupported Objects in VAM 2.0


Active member

This question is mostly for VAM developers/moderators.

Since people are paying for various objects by buying respective Pateron memberships, it is time
to let users know what is not supported in the future VAM 2.0 release.
My understanding is since you are close to a beta release, by this time you should know the answer

We specially want to know if any/or all of the following which work in VAM 1 will be supported in 2.0

1: Looks
2: Morphs
3: Plugins
4: Clothing

6: Poses
It's been known for years that just about nothing from 1.x will work with 2.x. Too much is changing.

Assetbundles should still work. Definitely not looks, morphs, plugins, clothing, or poses. Or scenes, for that matter.

2.x will be a fresh start.
It's been known for years that just about nothing from 1.x will work with 2.x. Too much is changing.

Assetbundles should still work. Definitely not looks, morphs, plugins, clothing, or poses. Or scenes, for that matter.

2.x will be a fresh start.

will there still be a web browser in vam2?
I haven't heard anything specific about it, but don't see why not.
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