I agree, lighting part (position, intensity, color, etc...) is feasible enough.
However, if you wanna go into more details and have skybox/spacebox (daysky/nightsky+sun/moon position)
it might be a bit difficult (especially with fade in/ fade out, rotation).
you can use built-in skybox intensity to add fade in/out effect,
but there's only Y rotation, that's kinda mehh, it needs X or Z rotation (unless you are flat earther).
-you can try fixing rotation by using CUA skybox instead, but you can't use fade effect (kinda double edge).
you might be able to colorize CUA from white to black to get fade effect (idk how and if that's gonna work on skybox)
-also using skybox with visible sun looks weird, especially when sun & clouds are rotating at same speed
There's also built-in "SpaceBox" atom that you can use for night sky + X/Z rotation works
-but same issue as above, you can't adjust "alpha" or any type of transition for fade effect (between day/night sky),
-you can toggle it on/off or hide material but that looks unnatural.
Especially after skybox fades out (it suddenly pops) and than insta gone before daylight transitions back in
Overall great idea, but for full effect it might require some trickery (something else to help with transition).
Hmm..maybe use inside of ISSphere as your little dome/skybox, maybe load some texture (like sun with no clouds or sun & moon on oposite sides)?
That way you can rotate it, colorize it, adjust alpha, however you like...even transition alpha off so it reveal spacebox behind it (during night time)....just an idea