The closest you will get for a plugin will be this one:
Silver Kiss is a plugin that, as the name suggests, makes a character kiss things. Add the script to your character, select a target, and check Active. (Alternatively, check Kiss Cam to have the character kiss the camera when it comes within a...
It works pretty well if you are good at adjusting collision and tweaking the settings.
It looks like a pretty good start but if you are looking for some constructive criticisms of this scene, I can suggest a few improvements. You need to make the timeline animation more natural. It takes a lot of practice. I am not sure if you can do this in timeline but there is a way to parent your vr controller to the head and you can move the head with it, almost like controlling a puppet. I would also add gaze plugin to the female and change the gaze target to the male. You can also change the pose as it does not look very comfortable for either party. You can also adjust the mouth morphs on the male, and maybe animate them better.
I do like the way the nipple stretches and pulls with the head. You might want to check out "8k nips" in clothing as there is a way to add physics to the nipple in a way that might be interesting.
Good luck!