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How to use VRfree in VAM

I have purchased VRfree gloves, how can I use them in VAM?
I have no idea if it will work, but according to this page https://www.sensoryx.com/steamvr-games-with-vrfree/ there are instructions to get it working with openvr. You can then try starting vam in openvr mode maybe? If that doesn't work, meshed might have to develop something like he did for leap (but that's not likely for a long while).
Let us know how it goes
Salut, Merci pour ta réponse, mais cela fonctionne très bien sur SteamVR... mais des que je vais sur VAM, les gants ne sont plus reconnu... donc Meshed devra développer un truc pour que cela fonctionne...
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