Answered How to rotate a character 180 instantly using timeline?


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This is my use case:
  • I have a list of 10 dance motions in timeline with the girl facing you
  • I also have a turn-around animation, where the girl turns around so you see her back
  • From then on, I want to run the same list of dance motions, but then with her back towards you

  • I need the girl to be rotated 180 degrees (on the Y axis) using "control" if I want to be able to use the 10 dance animations
  • If I try to do this by adding a control-morph and change that to 180 degrees in the final frame, I get jittery bad stuff

So: this is my question: how can I change the orientation of the girl using control, with 180 degrees, instantly, so I can run the same 10 animations, but now with her back facing me?
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you should be able to customize rotation with aetools> dynamicposition, I actually made that logic for the same problem I was having when piecing up bvh animations a while ago, they needed rotation adjustment. Like:
- person > dynamicposition > value > 180
- person > dynamicposition > operation > rotYSet

will set the Y position to exactly 180. There's also rotYAdd to add degrees, if the person is at 45 degress and you use add 180, it will turn around relative to the existing angle (225)

But it's not instant, there's vam physics stuff going on and it's a visible flip with contortions
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you should be able to customize rotation with aetools> dynamicposition, I actually made that logic for the same problem I was having when piecing up bvh animations a while ago, they needed rotation adjustment. Like:
- person > dynamicposition > value > 180
- person > dynamicposition > operation > rotYSet

will set the Y position to exactly 180. There's also rotYAdd to add degrees, if the person is at 45 degress and you use add 180, it will turn around relative to the existing angle (225)

But it's not instant, there's vam physics stuff going on and it's a visible flip with contortions
Yeah, super thanks for the solution. But it's the physics stuff happening that mess things up. Right now I had the 0 degrees frame in timeline where you see her back, and the 180 degrees rotated frame, where you see her back in actually the same position (I rotated her position 180 in the animation frame, so you look at 180+180 = 360 = 0 degrees, is the same position), but the switch between those two frames (where you basically look at exactly the net same position) gives a physics jolt.
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You can try loading a pose, that will "force apply" all bones at once, this is the only way to avoid physics just going crazy for "instant movements" like that (Timeline has a built-in pose system that you can use)
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You can try loading a pose, that will "force apply" all bones at once, this is the only way to avoid physics just going crazy for "instant movements" like that (Timeline has a built-in pose system that you can use)
I tried this, and it didn't work, but after your suggestion I tried again, and saw that I forgot to check "Apply pose on transition". That works! Thanks.
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For anyone reading this thread: I found a solution which works without doing a 180 "instant" switch.

My turn animation had 8 steps. This is what I did:
I added a "control" to the timeline animation.
At step 0 control = 0 degrees rotation over Y.
At step 1 I changed control to 1/8 * 180 = 22.5 degrees + I pivoted the animation -22.5 degrees (so it looks the same)
At step 2 I changed control to 2/8 * 180 = 45 degrees + I pivoted the animation back -45 degrees (so it looks the same)
At step 8 control was 180 and the animation pivoted back -180 degrees.
This creates a smooth transition from 0 to 180 rotation using the animation @ hand.

@Acid Bubbles @SPQR
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