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How to animate: Pantie Undressing Standing Postion


Active member
Animation Worklow Request

How can you animate a Female or male undressing their panties?

Like this

or from front side.

Are there and Plugins doing this accurate or any free or pay Undressing Mocap Animations i could use for this ?

I guess its more complex than than my previous Animation request how to undress a Pnatie in laying down Position with legs up ;)
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Your graphic is broken, but i'd do it like this:

Add 2 clothGrabSphere atoms, and physics link one to each hand.

Then animate the undressing hand motions.

Next, add a trigger to turn the clothGrabSphere's on at the desired time, and off again if she's going to let go at some point.

You may need to take some care and rezise the cloth grab spheres so they are only inc contact with the panties when turned on. You don't want it also grabbing hold of her shirt or something.
Thx DJ for the help :)

I followed until " Next, add a trigger " ... and now i am stuck in a wall of workflow Questions.

My Questions:

1) How do i add a Timeline Trigger now ?
The YT Video Guide with Triggers Starts with a "open Trigger Menu" i have never seen before.

Looks entire different than the Timeline Plugin.

2) What Trigger is that exactly and how to configure that so it works?

3) Do i need Special cloths and click Sim Enabled and Undress?

Here for my Tutorial / Learning i replaced the Standard ATOM Person Cloth with

2021-09-05 11_48_08-VaM.png

4) Reducing Sphere Size: How does the size affect to a CLothing since you recommend to reduce its size?
Or did you only menion it so that it won't overlap a Shirt too as a example, so they would be linked "together" overlapping the Sphere Bowl then being way too big. Means both would move although only Pantie should move.

5) Possible Issue / Application Bug ?

In the Animation Cloph Grab Sphere Workflow

- I notice with each Animation Step i add like Start

2021-09-05 11_40_37-VaM.png



the first CLoth Grab Sphere ( Here Right Hand ) i added is always still physic linked
but the LINK to ATOM is no longer attached.

This is alltime and same situation and affects all Animation Steps. Here you see the End Animation Step

2021-09-05 11_36_49-VaM.png

while on the Left Hand all is still looking as being set

2021-09-05 11_44_13-VaM.png

Is that a Issue and something i have to care about?

6) Position and display of the Cloth Grab Spheres

Left Side has this round Shape but is wrong positioned?

If i move the Camera it looks like this

2021-09-05 12_05_16-VaM.png

While from Middle Position where i first added it it looks like this

2021-09-05 12_09_20-VaM.png

Right Side Cloth Grab Sphere has no round shape and is entire off

From Side

2021-09-05 12_07_03-VaM.png

From Middle

2021-09-05 12_12_49-VaM.png

Why is that not looking identical and is so far off which is abvious wrong?

7) And so far although i physical linked the Hands to Cloth Grab Atoms nothing happens "technical physical " No Pantie is moving with the Hands.

Is that due to the missing Trigger?



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1&2) I confess I don't use timeline, so can't help you with that.

3) Yes, you need clothing that is both sim enabled and set up with a sim map that allows undressing (not all clothes are). Then they need to have "sim" and "undress" checked.

4) The cloth grab spheres will grab all cloth they are in contact with when enabled. Which is why you might want to resize them.

5) i was unclear. The cloth grab sphere's need to be moved to the location of the hands, then physics linked to them. That's the only way they'll grab the clothing that the hand is touching.

6) Yes, positioning nodes on desktop is a huge pain. But the clothGrabSphere's need to be right on top of (and linked to) the hands. You have them positioned so that from one perspective, they line up with the hands. But when you move your viewing position, it becomes clear they are actually quite a ways from the hands in 3d space.

7) To make the clothGrabSphere's actually grab cloth, they need to be toggled from "off" to "on" while in contact with the clothing. That would require a trigger, but you can also do it manually to get used to how it acts before setting up the whole animation.
Hi DJ thx again for the Informations :)

I actually managed the Off On and the Sphere grabs the clothing and now moves the Hands if i move the Arrow Icon.

But not the Pantie Middle so only thing moving is the Pantie left and right Part.
How can i move the entire Pantie here ?
Do i need to tweak the Pantie Settings for this?

Regarding Timeline:
Hands Animation no longer works now in Timeline for the Hands once the Spheres are Linked.

I had my prepared animation pattern as seen in the screenshot and if i play it now the Hands no longer move and just stay in Start Poition.
I think the Hands to Sphere Link did something which now changed my Animation Pattern and so far i couldnt find a way to animate anything Hand related anymore as long as the Spheres are linked.

I checked the Timeline List and except Left and right Hand there is no "Cloth Grab" to select to animate the Linked Cloth Grab Sphere now.

So i am stuck ;D

Can someone with Timeline Experience help here and tell me what is wrong now and how the "Trigger" workflow is here now which is needed as it seems?
Hey, I actually hit the forum to look for more or less the same thing. There's a scene from Vihper that uses Timeline to animate stripping called The Casting Couch. I've been loading it in edit mode to see how the animations were structured, especially since it also relies on timeline. Did you ever get anywhere for the triggers?

I also tend to edit in Desktop mode and have a love/hate with the clothgrabsphere. Getting it lined up right is awful, but I started possessing it which helps a Lot. I need to take the time to set up hotkeys too, I imagine that might make toggling it easier but idk.

What I know about triggers in Timeline so far:

Add however many triggers you need as targets. I found it a little easier to add multiple trigger targets instead of using the same one for different things.
Drag the scrubber on the left to the time you want to activate your trigger.
Select the trigger track you want, and from the Targets tab, Not the animate tab, choose "create trigger" from the upper right part of the screen.
Add your trigger events

If memory serves the casting couch scene used triggers to turn the spheres on and off, as all as to toggle options on the clothes, but I can't remember the specifics off the top of my head. I feel like it was all done using timeline on the Person atom, but not positive.

You could also try adding timeline to the clothgrabspheres directly and either animate them or give them their own triggers? You can sync timeline animations across atoms within the plugin. If you haven't seen it Acidbubble's GitHub wiki is incredibly helpful!
Hi welcome to the Undressing with Spheres VAM Club :D

Thx so much and nice to have someone who is also in this Clothing Animaton Hell with me.

I actually also contacted AcidBubbles since i couldnt even get the Sphere working to be animated.
So he fixed that with me which was really nice from him.

The next Stage i passed then now is that the dammit Cloth Grab Spheres are so bugged that they always are deactivated although being activated after each Scene Reload and here RandomVAMUser joined me with more Ideas and finally i found a current "Workaround" using a Trigger yes.

So thx a million for your Tips i will have a look at them tomorrow :)
I will also load the Casting Couch Scene and entire Study / analyze it.
I made Screenshots of my current Workflow and you are so right adding the SPheres in 2D Desktop is such a pain ;)
Its near impossible to set the Spheres correct .

So far for a Standard Undressing Scene Panties down from backside
i physic linked right Hand with left Hand for the Hand Movement sync.
So if i move one arm / hand the other follows sync down or upwards .

Then i added the Spheres and physic Linked left and Right Spheres with each Link to: ATOM Person and Link to: right and then 2nd Sphere left Hand so Animation in Timeline will work.

Having that Linkings i can just move the little square Down and Hands and Clothing will move together up or down and set the Keyframes.

I wrote in the other Thread about the still bugfested behavior of the Spheres if you dare to disable and re enable them and that you need to save and shutdown before you add any timeline Triggers. Dunno if you are doing it identical but perhaps we can exchange our Workflows here or private if you would like to.
I will first analyze some more Scenes with the Triggers Off ON included.

Currently this behavior of the Spheres and that buggy workflow makes it hard to write a tutorial since its so many things which can go wrong here.
Even the Situation that you have to alltime re activate the Spheres with each Settings changes like Size or Position is a lol workflow.

Actually i was really brutally mad about that Sphere workflows since i thought its impossible to animate Undressing in a Scene just a day ago.
That it works now "with a ton of workarounds" is good of course ;) so we can look forward to expand skills and hopefully create Pro Undressing VAM Animations.

We have to talk about the SIM clothings behaviors of course, yap....
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That's more or less what I've done, although I started with just one hand. I'll have to recheck my "on" triggers after reading the thread you linked. I set mine up using "on" instead of toggleON, and it looks like it still worked as far as functioning as an off/on switch? I'll double check and try the toggle trigger instead though.

I have not run into needing to save and shut down each time you disable the spheres, that's a new one for me. I did run into them not persisting across saves though. I was playing around with the sim towel, got a scene all set, loaded it the next day and the towel went back to its original placement on the person. IDK if there is a way around that or not, but that seems more like a cloth behavior thing, since the spheres were where they were supposed to be?

Yup sim clothing is just about a new experience with each item, at least as far as physics settings go. I need to just make the time to add a custom tag to the ones with sim so I'm not always hunting around. So far the only triggers I've played with on clothing are detach and reset, but I noticed in another scene they used a trigger to change the weight so the clothes fell to the ground quicker. I also tend to play with physics settings, so I need to check if the reset trigger puts everything back to the default state or the state it was in when the anim. started. I assume it's default state though.
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