Home Studio v1.3

Assets Home Studio v1.3


Well-known member
EvilBox submitted a new resource:

Home Studio - casting...

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Hi, would you consider signing up somewhere that supports paypal?
Ever since boosty stopped supporting paypal I stopped subscribing to you because I have no ability to now.

I know you provide some weird links on your boosty for paypal users but that's just a scam, 24 hour download access for 5-10 bucks per asset?

Please provide a normal subscribe method for non credit card users.
I agreе, I don't like this payment method like you, so that's the reason why I didn't add this room to hypolink. Keep in mind that sanctions hurt both sides, I can't create a subscription or use visa/PP, you can't pay. That's fair enough.
Hi, would you consider signing up somewhere that supports paypal?
Ever since boosty stopped supporting paypal I stopped subscribing to you because I have no ability to now.

I know you provide some weird links on your boosty for paypal users but that's just a scam, 24 hour download access for 5-10 bucks per asset?

Please provide a normal subscribe method for non credit card users.
Awesome asset as usual! Was wondering if the cutie that you're modeling here available anywhere?
EvilBox updated Home Studio with a new update entry:

Home Studio v1.3

V1.3 (07/29/24)
1. Texture optimization
2. Сollision on small objects disabled (figures/floor skirting/lamps and etc)
3. Disabled shadows for small assets

Migration from v1.0 save issues
After migrating to new version collision buttons (bed, chair, couch) will no longer work in your old saves created in first version. This happens because ID of assets in assetbundle structure has been changed

Read the rest of this update entry...
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