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glasses small pack(4 pcs.)

Assets glasses small pack(4 pcs.) 2


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
do you mean that the glasses appear on the head and the alignment arrows are at the bottom?

& PS
it's such a simple thing too in unity when doing the import; 'no good reason not to...

HolySchmidt said:
First: thanks for your work, really. But is there a chance you can release this as a clothing and not as an asset? Assets won't stick to persons when moving which is annoying as hell.
Bad idea. Given how variable the head can be, it would cause the glasses to be distorted with various headshapes. That said, there is two ways I can think of off the top of my head to alleviate that issue;

Either way, place the glasses in the scene on the person as they're supposed to be worn, then from there you link it to the Person then to the person's Head node(Not to be confused with the HeadControl node)

Following that, you can either set both Position and Rotation to ParentLink;
or add Blazedust's ParentHoldLink script under plugins, then set the glasses rotation and position to hold

The second option offers more precision in movement, but either option will get the glasses to move with the character.
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