Flat tongue in a specific look


I'm having trouble with a look that has a flat tongue. How do I fix it? I noticed it's the appearance morph. If I set it to zero, it fixes the tongue.
I'm having a similar issue with the tip of my tongue being warped. All tongue/mouth morph/poses are zero's and tried just defaulting as well. The nips had an issue too. The eyes were the biggest issue, though..every time I pan the cam above the model, the eyes pop out in front of the lids to track it. No plugins loaded anywhere. Any ideas? Also, there's a morph literally called "appearance"??
Right, I had some merged morph 'heads' that had these issues. I heard that morphs like any ones that have head proportion size changes all in one, could cause these problems. If you want a list I could find some names
Right, if someone could take the morphmerger plugin and rework it to split up a merged package into individual morphs, I would tell them to shut up and take my money, lol. But ya, it's baked in there, so not much to do other than use existing morphs to 'correct' the issue the best we can..
i have similar problem, all looks i open have tongue tip =1 set and tongue curl and width , seem like some virus morph like dreaded RG for glutes. Are there any Defuault morphs set that are aded automaticaly for echa look ?
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