Can I make some suggestions? (mistakes I've made...)
- You have most of the person's joint (knees, hands, etc) set to "comply."
This works against the timeline animation as the joint will try to move to a "natural" position at the same time as your timeline tries to move it somewhere else. You can see it if you step through your timeline manually. The persons joint will move, then sort of settle in a moment later. With comply "on" this extra calculation is happening throughout your animation, even if you can't see it.
- Others may have different opinions, but I think the key joints should all be "on" for position and rotation. I also turn on the elbow and knee joints for position control, but leave their rotation on "comply" - that prevents you from twisting them into some unnatural angle.
- Then add the knees, elbows, hip and chest to your list of targets being controlled in timeline.
- VAM does tend to over-ride these control settings sometimes (I haven't really figured out all the reasons why) but certainly their part of the pose-preset, so you need to set up the joint controls, then save new poses to ensure they don't get over-written.
- timeline is very good at interpolating between your programmed steps, but when you have a big movement, like elbows to the side, then elbows to the front, timeline will likely connect the path as a straight line. You can see this if you open the timeline, click on the elbow targets, then click the box above the target list (i don't remember exactly what it looks like.) The path your target will follow now becomes visible. In this example, a straight line between the 2 points. Of course, elbows don't move that way. So you need to add at least 1 or 2 more intermediate positions so the path becomes a realistic arc.
- again, I don't know what others do, but I tend to build my timeline in 1s intervals (unless it's a very fast movement) to make my life easier. When the motion works the way I want, then I edit the timeline minutes to half the time (change a 10s timeline to 5s) and the result is a faster paced 5s sequence.
- Totally unrelated, but you use check-boxes to trigger your actions and I think UIbutton would be better. The checkbox is good for turning things on or off (lights, for example) not so much for starting an event. That's the work of a simple button.
ok - that's a lot and you didn't ask for my advice so I'll shut up now. Keep having fun in VAM!
(Oh - I attached a tweaked version of your scene. Hope you don't mind - I added jumping jacks and a side bend. I need exercise just as much as the next guy!)