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Does anyone have the female genital UV map?

Nevermind. I found a solution... but... if anyone wants to share the UV.............. 🤗
There are copyright free texture sets (meaning you can edit and share them without restriction) in Custom\Atom\Person\Textures\FemaleBase and MaleBase.
There are seam guides, but the gens are still tricky.
There are seam guides, but the gens are still tricky.

No genital texture in there. VaM uses genitals that are not part of the Genesis Figure.

But don't worry... as i said, i solved by editing a texture that clearly showed the various parts. I just wanted to add a little gloss here and there... :)
There are copyright free texture sets (meaning you can edit and share them without restriction) in Custom\Atom\Person\Textures\FemaleBase and MaleBase.

So those textures are there for that... good to know. :)

But... the gens texture in there is not clear... it's hard to distinguish the various parts.
If someone could find this usefull, I made this reference texture and pic:

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