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Assets DildoLanguage


Active member
Foost submitted a new resource:

DildoLanguage - Toys and dildos with customizable shapes, visual and physics behavior

This package brings you a set of various toys and dildos, all with pView attachment 437344hysical behavior matching the built-in dildo, and then some more.

The main features include:
  • Fully working rigidbody physics
  • Scale and Spring Strength sliders, just like the built-in dildo
  • Additional shape customization - length slider ; and depending on the dildo, more scaling options for various parts of each toy.
  • Custom shader with...

Read more about this resource...
Fantastic. I would love some "Werewolf" and "Centaur" cocks in this system!

I certainly plan to keep updating this. First I have few updates planned for the plugin itself, but more funky toys will come later.
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Fantastic addition. Been following your conversation on Cheezy's Discord, and I'm really glad to see it released to the wild!
The Demo scene is really useful. I wish everything in VAM were documented half as well ;-)

One thing though, in the demo scene the Tentacle does some weird things; there seem to be two instances of it - one stuck to the ottoman that I can't seem to select (ok, I didn't try ALL the Dildo# atoms) and another one that's floating above the scene UI. And neither Tentacle goes away during the course of the Demo scene.
Not sure if it's something funky in my setup (I think I deleted all of your Beta stuff from Discord) or a problem in the Demo...I am fully prepared to accept that it's something I did. But...(1) deleted your beta asset and DildoLanguage.var copied from Discord from my sandbox instance, (2) Started VAM (latest) clean, and (3) Installed this asset from the Hub. That should have cleared any old stuff, but the Tentacle does act weird; the base always seems to be stuck in something (furniture) when it appears - the others don't do that.
Any chance we can get the base .obj's/uv templates to make custom textures?
Fantastic addition. Been following your conversation on Cheezy's Discord, and I'm really glad to see it released to the wild!
The Demo scene is really useful. I wish everything in VAM were documented half as well ;-)

One thing though, in the demo scene the Tentacle does some weird things; there seem to be two instances of it - one stuck to the ottoman that I can't seem to select (ok, I didn't try ALL the Dildo# atoms) and another one that's floating above the scene UI. And neither Tentacle goes away during the course of the Demo scene.
Not sure if it's something funky in my setup (I think I deleted all of your Beta stuff from Discord) or a problem in the Demo...I am fully prepared to accept that it's something I did. But...(1) deleted your beta asset and DildoLanguage.var copied from Discord from my sandbox instance, (2) Started VAM (latest) clean, and (3) Installed this asset from the Hub. That should have cleared any old stuff, but the Tentacle does act weird; the base always seems to be stuck in something (furniture) when it appears - the others don't do that.
FWIW: The wild Tentacles are Dildo#4 and 5 in the demo scene. They don't act like the other for me (and maybe just me).
Any chance we can get the base .obj's/uv templates to make custom textures?

At some point in the future, definitely. I might have to redo current toy's UVs as I keep adding more features I have planned, so I don't want to publish them until the whole thing is more mature. I would also like to document the whole toy creation process, to let people make more dildos compatible with the plugin, but that will also have to wait. It's a bit too convoluted now.
FWIW: The wild Tentacles are Dildo#4 and 5 in the demo scene. They don't act like the other for me (and maybe just me).
Dildo 5 is weird like that intentionally. It is used during the Overview chapter (page 3 and 4) to demonstrate the clothes collision, and it needs to fly in from that angle. I could probably hide it somewhere in all other parts of the demo, I did not expect people getting distracted by it levitating in the air.

Can you post a picture of what's wrong with Dildo 4? It's part of the basic group that is shown in Overview page 5, then during most of the Visuals chapter, together with the other 3 base toys. It should always either sit on the left side of the ottoman, or disappear. It has physics disabled, so it should teleport through the furniture and floor with no problems.

What are your physics settings in the user preferences? Maybe some differences there could cause issues with how I teleport the toys around.

At some point in the future, definitely. I might have to redo current toy's UVs as I keep adding more features I have planned, so I don't want to publish them until the whole thing is more mature. I would also like to document the whole toy creation process, to let people make more dildos compatible with the plugin, but that will also have to wait. It's a bit too convoluted now.
Sounds good. I may have Jack Sparrowed the mesh last night to see if I could make a simple normal map for testing, but I won't make anything with it to share.
CommonCock CustomVeins.png
Sounds good. I may have Jack Sparrowed the mesh last night to see if I could make a simple normal map for testing, but I won't make anything with it to share.
View attachment 438022

Looks good. Feel free to publish any textures you paint for it, if you want to. I don't really mind that it's not based on "officially released source data".

Depending on what ripper you used, you might've noticed that the objects have two UV maps. One for the main texture, another for the tiled patterns. Which is something I'd like to tackle before I release any of the OBJ files officially (OBJ supports only one UV map, but you don't really need the second UV map for custom painting them).

Technical nonsense for nerds follows...

The first UV map is a standard UV unwrapping, with seams, and no overlaps of polygons in the UV space.
The second UV map is a simple cylindrical projection ; or rather, half-cylinder projection. A lot of polygon overlap there, but that does not matter for the tiled patterns. What matters is that there are no seams and the patterns can be scaled up and down. There are two "soft-seams" where the pattern mirrors, but it's imo not a big deal.

The problem is that the shader combines two normal maps. A main painted one (using the first UV mapping), and one tiled (using the second UV mapping). Which is technically incorrect. Normal maps are drawn in "tangent space", which is computed from the object's normals and from the UV map. So to be correct, each normal map should be evaluated in its correct tangent space, then the resulting world-space normals should be combined. Unfortunately, Unity does not really support multiple tangent spaces. I could write a full shader including the lighting passes to handle the shading part of the problem, but I'd also have to rewrite the skinned mesh renderer so it correctly animates the two tangent spaces. That's not something I am going to do.

Back to real world...

This issue is visible if you have both normal maps enabled, both with major features and the strength sliders reasonably high. If the dildo uses the first tangent space, you will see seams on the tiled normal map, and vice versa. I can't fully fix it without stupid amount of effort. The current "solution" is:
  • The cock dildo is the only one with a painted normal map, so it uses the tangent space from the first UV map. If you put a strong tiled normal map on it, with clearly visible features, you will notice seams around the tip and the sack.
  • All other dildos use only the tiled patterns in all provided presets. So they use the second tangent space. If you tried to paint a normal map for them, it would look a bit weird and have seams around the tip.
I am not super happy with this, but there not many other options. My current plan is to add an advanced option to the Visual tab, letting you switch between the two tangent spaces manually. I'll have to write code that computes the tangents in the plugin and "patches" the models, but that should not be too hard. And while at it, I'll also probably provide an option to rotate the second UV map, so you can place the "soft seam" where the patterns mirror anywhere you want.

Once this all is sorted, and works well enough, I might feel comfortable enough to release the OBJ files to public. I should not have to modify the UV maps once this is done.
Dildo 5 is weird like that intentionally. It is used during the Overview chapter (page 3 and 4) to demonstrate the clothes collision, and it needs to fly in from that angle. I could probably hide it somewhere in all other parts of the demo, I did not expect people getting distracted by it levitating in the air.

Can you post a picture of what's wrong with Dildo 4? It's part of the basic group that is shown in Overview page 5, then during most of the Visuals chapter, together with the other 3 base toys. It should always either sit on the left side of the ottoman, or disappear. It has physics disabled, so it should teleport through the furniture and floor with no problems.

What are your physics settings in the user preferences? Maybe some differences there could cause issues with how I teleport the toys around.

View attachment 438000
The 'flying Tentacle' doesn't cause the problem, I just noticed it up there and thought it might be related (and it is a cool effect, I can see tickling opportunities with that!)
But the Tentacle, as shown in your screenshot, somehow always starts out with the base embedded in the ottoman, and I can't seem to pull it out. It also happened with some of the pre-release stuff you posted on the BL thread - but only for the tentacle; the base (only) would always embed itself in a nearby atom.
I've had limited ahh...private time lately, but I'll play with it some more - I haven't even tried turning off collision yet - it could certainly be something I've caused.
Seems like everybody wants you to set their preferred VAM settings and plugins, it really has become a coding house of cards; praying VAM2 addresses some of that...
Anyway, editorials aside, I'll play with it some more and post again with more specifics if I can't figure it out; don't worry your pretty head about it for now ;-)
Certainly don't want to distract you from completing some 'o them other toys I see!
Looks good. Feel free to publish any textures you paint for it, if you want to. I don't really mind that it's not based on "officially released source data".

Depending on what ripper you used, you might've noticed that the objects have two UV maps. One for the main texture, another for the tiled patterns. Which is something I'd like to tackle before I release any of the OBJ files officially (OBJ supports only one UV map, but you don't really need the second UV map for custom painting them).

Technical nonsense for nerds follows...

The first UV map is a standard UV unwrapping, with seams, and no overlaps of polygons in the UV space.
The second UV map is a simple cylindrical projection ; or rather, half-cylinder projection. A lot of polygon overlap there, but that does not matter for the tiled patterns. What matters is that there are no seams and the patterns can be scaled up and down. There are two "soft-seams" where the pattern mirrors, but it's imo not a big deal.

The problem is that the shader combines two normal maps. A main painted one (using the first UV mapping), and one tiled (using the second UV mapping). Which is technically incorrect. Normal maps are drawn in "tangent space", which is computed from the object's normals and from the UV map. So to be correct, each normal map should be evaluated in its correct tangent space, then the resulting world-space normals should be combined. Unfortunately, Unity does not really support multiple tangent spaces. I could write a full shader including the lighting passes to handle the shading part of the problem, but I'd also have to rewrite the skinned mesh renderer so it correctly animates the two tangent spaces. That's not something I am going to do.

Back to real world...

This issue is visible if you have both normal maps enabled, both with major features and the strength sliders reasonably high. If the dildo uses the first tangent space, you will see seams on the tiled normal map, and vice versa. I can't fully fix it without stupid amount of effort. The current "solution" is:
  • The cock dildo is the only one with a painted normal map, so it uses the tangent space from the first UV map. If you put a strong tiled normal map on it, with clearly visible features, you will notice seams around the tip and the sack.
  • All other dildos use only the tiled patterns in all provided presets. So they use the second tangent space. If you tried to paint a normal map for them, it would look a bit weird and have seams around the tip.
I am not super happy with this, but there not many other options. My current plan is to add an advanced option to the Visual tab, letting you switch between the two tangent spaces manually. I'll have to write code that computes the tangents in the plugin and "patches" the models, but that should not be too hard. And while at it, I'll also probably provide an option to rotate the second UV map, so you can place the "soft seam" where the patterns mirror anywhere you want.

Once this all is sorted, and works well enough, I might feel comfortable enough to release the OBJ files to public. I should not have to modify the UV maps once this is done.
I really appreciate the detailed reply. This is a great tool with so many options, with great built in colour variation anyway. I was just curious to see what I could make, and how the normal transitions looked. I'll keep playing around.

If you do want to make new assets to add to this later, consider one based on the g2m gens mesh and uv's so that people can use existing textures and add this plugin instead of male characters to improve scene fps if they are using multiple person atoms.

Thank you for the fantastic work. I look forward to seeing what people create with it.
Foost updated DildoLanguage with a new update entry:

v2 - bends & twists, smart movement, shape morphing


Added Bend & Twist shape customization.


  • Split Motion Period and Forces into separate tabs
  • Option to apply different Amplitude force while not penetrating
  • Ability to override VAM's Hold Position Spring
  • Added new Direction tab:
    • Customize push direction vector
    • Option to automatically adjust the direction vector towards target orifice
    • Smart Forces
      • When not penetrating, guides the tip towards the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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