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Camera Background Color

Plugins + Scripts Camera Background Color

The standard VaM UI Button should stays visible. Can you link a scene where these things happen so I can take a look?
I think there are 3rd party plugins for custom UIs. Have not looked into those yet. There is a good chance these will hide - depends on what atom type these UI elements are based on. Filtering and keeping all kind of (custom) UI stuff is tricky.
atom-linked hair pieces and body parts
I assume those are CUA (Custom Unity Assets). That should be an easy fix. These kind of bugs are exactly the reason why I do not upload this as release yet and testing from others on all kinds of content is important. I rarely use CUAs and would have never stumbled upon this. For fans of stylized characters I know they get used a lot for hair, wings, horns and similar stuff.
The standard VaM UI Button should stays visible. Can you link a scene where these things happen so I can take a look?
I think there are 3rd party plugins for custom UIs. Have not looked into those yet. There is a good chance these will hide - depends on what atom type these UI elements are based on. Filtering and keeping all kind of (custom) UI stuff is tricky.

I assume those are CUA (Custom Unity Assets). That should be an easy fix. These kind of bugs are exactly the reason why I do not upload this as release yet and testing from others on all kinds of content is important. I rarely use CUAs and would have never stumbled upon this. For fans of stylized characters I know they get used a lot for hair, wings, horns and similar stuff.
Yes, they are cua's.
This is the scene i tried. :X
Works perfectly now! I can switch from my messy script :D
So now the only piece that I couldn't figure out is: how to apply background color to person atoms (e.g. only to a male in the scene) but in a way the lighting doesn't add shadows.
If your intention is to make the male the correct colour so he becomes effectively invisible there is already a free plugin called transparency that you can just add to any person atom and it gives you alpha toggles for the character either completely or for different parts. I only found it yesterday after trying to make skin passthrough colour without success.
Sally Whitemane updated Camera Background Color with a new update entry:

Version 6

(to previous "Version 5 experimental 2" only)
  • CUAs that have a linked Rigidbody will now be excluded for the 'Render'-toggle. So CUA hair, wings or anything linked to a person stays visible.
  • Added missing "UISlider" to the list of atom types to exclude by default.
  • The 'Render'-toggle now generates a filter for each atom on the right side of the UI. Use them to manually toggle atom visibility. This filter list will not stay in sync if you add or...

Read the rest of this update entry...
If your intention is to make the male the correct colour so he becomes effectively invisible there is already a free plugin called transparency that you can just add to any person atom and it gives you alpha toggles for the character either completely or for different parts. I only found it yesterday after trying to make skin passthrough colour without success.
yep I know this plugin but check the link I added to my post.
Sally Whitemane updated Camera Background Color with a new update entry:

Version 7

  • When using the experimental 'Render'-toggle (Control + R) in scenes with VAMStory- or VAMCUI-UI by hazmhox this plugin will now detect them on each atom and they will stay visible. (show-filter is enabled by default).
  • known bug:
    The combined use of some UI-plugins and the experimental 'Render'-toggle can cause the standard VAM-UI to partially disappear...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello Sally, thx for your good work. Unfortunately your plugin is not running anymore, after the new patch update to VaM I would appreciate to use your camerabackgroundcolor plugin again.
Edit: patch for VAM is out, all plugins are working again

Thanks for letting me now. Not sure I would have noticed the VAM update without the forums alert function.

At the moment it looks like the broke many plugins because the function REDACTED() got restricted with the security changes.
Usually it's code that creators typically use for buttons that link to documentation or Patreon. Because that's no longer allowed it now fails to load the plugins.

Fortunately it's very easy to fix. It's just annoying that so many plugins are affected by this change.
I do have an update ready. But the VAM Developers are aware of the situation and it seems better to wait and see what they do:

Meanwhile I will rollback too.
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The connection should not matter.
The plugin can only set a solid color. Nothing transparent / invisible. It changes the viewport clear color of the Unity Engine documented here:

Can only answer that "in theory" since I do not own any VR hardware.
Passthrough should always work if the external VR-software allows you to set a key color to transparent / invisible.

The plugin wasn't really intended for VR passthrough initially. Users just figured out it can be used for it.
Then the experimental Control + R shortcut was added to help "clear" scenes for passthrough fast. ;)

Btw. technically it should be possible to create a much better plugin specifically for passthrough.
To do that we'd need to extract the depth data from a frame / scene using a shader.
Then every pixel that as infinite depth would be passed as transparent because there is nothing in the scene.
But the external VR software also needs to be able to accept this data and I don't think it can be made compatible with all software.
Similar to image pixel formats it basically need support for RGBA then and not only RGB. (A = alpha for transparency)​
A 1-bit alpha channel pixel format for high performance and low bandwidth would be perfect for this idea.
TLDR: A smart coder (not me - lol) should be able to create a real passthrough plugin with actual transparency. Without key color shenanigans.​
I tried adding it to my upcoming scene, and it looks great! Only problem is, once I disable the plugin in any way, it makes every toggle box in VaM become checkmarked. :confused:
Any idea what's going on? (Btw, all of those UI elements on the right were un-checked before I disabled the plugin.)
SWM Chroma Error.jpg
Don't have the time to look into this rn. Working 6 days/week atm.

Is this a non standard VAM 3rd party UI?
Did you use the experimental 'Render'-toggle? (will be forever experimental for reasons)

If you only need the 'change background color'-feature I'd suggest you try to fall back to the older plugin version 4. This was the last one before I added the 'render'-toggle for the passthrough shenanigans.

I am aware the 3rd party UIs do have problems like you screenshotted if they get their renderer disabled.

In the latest version 7 of 'Camera Background Color' it should detect VAMStory and VAMCUI and always keep the atom containing the UI visible unless the user specifically changes the render-filter on it. So I'm not sure if this is a new UI, the renderer was toggled manually or I have a bug. 🤷‍♂️

I think what happens is that the rendered checkbox state and UI's internal logical state get out of sync because the UI obviously does not expect to have it's renderer disabled. Usually an interaction should re-sync this because these UI system should be event based. Anyway, this is very likely only a visual glitch and won't break any scene logic.
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Can you add a feature to hide some character, if I want to hide somebody, I can use it
Hello Epsyc!
Can you add a feature to hide some character, if I want to hide somebody, I can use it
I tested this in the past and did not add it intentionally.
It could crash and mess up VAM very badly.
I'd highly recommend to not "hide" persons with the method I use, which is: disable the atom renderers.
In non technical gibberish that means: The thing does still exist, but the graphic card does not draw it.
It was a long time ago. Only remember vague details:
I think it could crash VAM if the user used the wrong UI with the renderers disabled and I believe there was a problem with re-enabling the renderers too. So you could hide a person, then you are not allowed to touch the wrong VAM UI, or else crash, and unhide did not restore the person properly.​

Do this instead: disable the person atom using VAM's official user interface:
  1. Select person atom to hide (N-key)
  2. Go To [Control & Physics 1]-tab
  3. Uncheck [ ] On
It's much cleaner and safer.

  • PRO: more performance, because this disables physics and everything that is a 'child' of that person-atom too.
  • CON: It's not like "hiding" and more like "temporary deleting" the person from a scene. All related stuff like plugins and physical interactions with it will also no longer work.
Generally the person atom is VERY complex. A properly working "hide by renderer"-feature needs to include skin, clothing, hair and possibly stuff coming from plugins. A feature like this maybe doable if a more experienced coder spends time on it and handles everything ... but I still doubt this would work very reliable in general. Disabling the renderers is very 'hackish' and VAM expects them enabled.

If a C# coder wants to experiment with this, edit source code at:
private string[] alwaysVisibleAtomTypes = { "Person",
... and remove the "Person" from the array. I'm not 100% sure anymore, but it should be possible to toggle the atom then with 'render'-toggle filters.
I found that there are two best ways to hide a person, depending of what you want to achieve in passthrough.
a) if you want person to completely disappear but physics etc still applies then use GhostPenetrator addon
b) if you want the person to be invisible but still take into account the scene depth. For example:
Male body covers part of female body and you want to align yourself to the male body so it's you who covers female in the passthrough. (otherwise the female body could "leak" over yourself in passthrough even if she is behind).
In this case you want to use plugin HAL9001.GoingGoingGone and play with global render queue (I don't remember the values, just slide it until it works).
I found that there are two best ways to hide a person, depending of what you want to achieve in passthrough.
a) if you want person to completely disappear but physics etc still applies then use GhostPenetrator addon
b) if you want the person to be invisible but still take into account the scene depth. For example:
Male body covers part of female body and you want to align yourself to the male body so it's you who covers female in the passthrough. (otherwise the female body could "leak" over yourself in passthrough even if she is behind).
In this case you want to use plugin HAL9001.GoingGoingGone and play with global render queue (I don't remember the values, just slide it until it works).
thank you.I want to see my own body.I thought change person's color,but because of light,the color of person is affected.
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