2.X recommendation about erogenous zones and triggers


Hi there! I'm just discovering how to use MacGrubers' Idle Poser plugin in combination with the new Animation poser addition and I was realizing just how different it is to have a randomized even trigger happen. I love AcidBubbles timeline, but there is not spontaneity in it (By nature-there is nothing wrong with this, BTW, it's a different approach). But setting up the Animations via Idle Poser, I'm noticing that no two passes through a scene are happening the same way... it's very much like directing a scene with actual actors, sometimes it takes the girl longer to reach climax than other times, sometimes the guy slows down at just the wrong time and messes up her rhythm. It's almost like a sim game.

So I thought about some interesting modifications that might really deepen this:

Suppose we had an arousal value for each character per erogenous zone. Much like we have the breast and glute presets. So each character could have a different arousal rate depending on where you touched them. Some people like being touched on the nipples, others don't care as much (I think there should be the ability to have a negative number... something that actually DECREASES arousal, one character might hate having her ears touched, say). It could be a percentage, like every time this area is touched, it increases/decreases Arousal by X%.

Along that line, I'd like to propose a trigger event for Arousal=100%. I know this sounds silly, but rigging a climax is kinda complicated because there is no real event. Especially for males. I know we have some great plugins for this, but I was thinking that it would be a whole lot simpler if there were a trigger event dropped in there.

While we are in dream-on mode :) : It would be cool if there were "World triggers" that happen, for example if character A hits a climax, you can set a world trigger, so any other character can be triggered to do something. Therefore you could naturally have a scene where the character smiles when another character climaxes, or slows down or changes animations.

Heck, it'd be great if a characters' arousal was "public" so to speak, so a separate character could be rigged to go faster or slower or something based on their partners arousal value.

Just some thoughts from the peanut gallery! You guys are doing an awesome job! Thank you!
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