Wiki Article 06. Scene Lighting

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Scene Lighting

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Scene lighting is taken from the HDRI backgrounds included with VaM.

There are 29 available choices accessed from the ”Global Illumination Sky” dropdown menu.

The lighting from this only affects atoms built into VaM. it will not affect geometry brought in with an assetbundle.

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“Global Illumination Master Intensity” Affects the intensity of the HDRI illuminations on the atoms inside the scene. This will not affect geometry brought in with an asset bundle.

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”Global Illumination Diffuse Intensity” Affects the intensity of the HDRI diffuse lighting on the atoms inside the scene. This will not affect geometry brought in with an asset bundle.

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"Global Illumination Specular Intensity”Affects the intensity of the HDRI Specular lighting on the atoms inside the scene. This will not affect geometry brought in with an asset bundle.

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”Camera Exposure” Changes the overall brightness of the HDRI lighting on the scene atoms. This will not affect geometry brought in with an asset bundle.

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”Global Illumination Sky” This dropdown is a list of the 29 different HDRI environment backgrounds available inside VaM. A complete listing can be found here. VaM_Wiki_HDRI_Reference

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”Show Skybox” This option will toggle the selected skybox to be displayed in your scene.

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”Skybox Intensity” This changes the intensity of the displayed skybox. It is only visible when “Show Skybox” is toggled on and has no affect on the lighting within the scene.

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”Skybox Y Rotation” Rotates the skybox map changing the direction of the HDRI lighting source.

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The options below help match lighting when using Unity Map loader or CustomUnityAsset Atom”

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”Unity Ambient Effect on native game objects” This slider will change the effect of the Unity Ambient Light Color on built in VaM assets.
If you want them to be completely unaffected put this to “0”.

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”Unity Ambient Light Color Provides ambient light to Imported Unity assets. Can also affect native objects by using slider at left”
This setting gives you an ambient light option that affects geometry brought in with an Asset Bundle.
This is useful to help match your assetbundle geometry with the ambient lighting of the VaM scene.
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