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    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
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white hair

  1. Vanessa From Front

    Vanessa From Front

    Based on Oeshii's Isla. Made some changes to the face and playing around with the program for the first time.
  2. Vanessa From Behind

    Vanessa From Behind

    Based on Oeshii's Isla. Made some changes to the face and playing around with the program for the first time.
  3. kemenate_half-up_03.jpg


  4. [Unisex] Shiny Dummy Look

    Looks [Unisex] Shiny Dummy Look 1

    unisex_look_Dummy.x.var Contains 4 Appearance Presets to apply the female and male looks with white hair and with dark/no hair (I use this for hair shots). The presets will also set the Eyes and Lashes textures from the unisex_skin_Dummy.var There are only minimal morphs applied on Zero morph...
  5. kemenate_Pubic-Futa-01.jpg


  6. kemenate_Pubic-Futa-02.jpg


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