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    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
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  1. pogCAP 01 - Cammy Rides

    Paid Scenes pogCAP 01 - Cammy Rides 2

    My first mocap scene release! Based on the winner of my topic poll, this scene was a lot of fun to create. It seems somewhat basic, and it for sure is, but my goals in mind were met perfectly by the talented Chrizzy of CGStudio! She really knows how to move those hips! I wanted a scene for the...
  2. ScaryMovie

    Scenes ScaryMovie 1.0

    What can go wrong when you relaxed watching TV in the evening? Right. Everything :) A simple scene - a parody of horror movie "The Ring" with a sequel. After loading the scene, there are errors in the log, but they do not affect anything, this is just my inexperience as a creator. Credits...
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