
  1. Imposter (Not Using OpenAI anymore)

    Plugins Imposter (Not Using OpenAI anymore) 4
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    Someone has put a demo for it on reddit: Update 3: This new version works out of the box, you may need to allow Internet access to the plugin as well as whitelist this domain name: If you are the only user, the interaction should feel like it is...
  2. - Second Look

    Looks - Second Look 1

    Hey guys! After Episode 8, I realized there were some things I needed to change about myself. I ended up getting a bit cleaned up and changed into something a bit more comfortable. I heard it's supposed to also help with my load times but i'm still improving as time goes on. As I'm further...
  3. PleasureBot 3000

    Looks PleasureBot 3000 2
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY-NC

    I used and included the textures from a scene posted by haste321 on reddit in 2019. If I understand correctly, the textures are a modified version of the scene Lexy Dirty Droid by DunricsBasement. If any of the original creators object to the usage, please contact me or the hub moderators to...
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